Cleaning Leather Seats

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Sep 18, 2002
Well, I finally was able to try a few leather "conditioning" products on some leather seats in a 2008 CRV. They were so shiny...UGHH

I tried 2 and they left the seats looking like they had some kind of splotch disease. Popular name brands I will not mention. Don't try.
I did not try Lexol and that is all I will say.

Since the car is not mine, I could not return the car lookin like that. I did not know what to do as the owner had asked me what to clean
the seats with so l was gonna be kind and clean them for her. What I had tried did not work.

However, I did finally try Leatherique Rejuvinator and Pristine Clean. I put the Rejuvinator on and turned heat on max and let the car heat up.
Let it set for 6 hours. Came home tonight and used the Pristine Clean twice and whoola! Mission accomplished! Seats look fabulous.

IF you have some really dirty seats and have not found a great cleaner and conditioner, you may want to check out Leatherique.

Note, these seats were so dirty they shined like vinyl. No kidding....

The white towels I used to wipe up the pristine clean looked like they may have been used to clean something very brown and gray and nasty.
My wife had to go to Walmart so I have snuck them in the washing machine before she could see them. Gross.....
What i have found to work well is to spray the cloth and then wipe the seats.
When I spray directly on the seats, then wipe, it tends to be splotchy and uneven.
Learn something new every day here. Been using Meguiars 3 in 1 on my leather chair. Had the splotch as noted here. Especially on the arm rests. Sprayed the cloth first(as recommended by Imp4) no more splotch. Even finish. Granted the instructions on the bottle say to spray the cloth first and then wipe but who reads directions? I may have to start doing that.
Been using Leatherique Rejuvinator and Pristine Clean on my Classic Mopar Leather seats for years. Great products !
I sorta drifted away due to the expense. I have come back after seeing it really work.

My problem was I never let my seats get that dirty and I couldn't really see a dramatic difference. I saw that difference today and I'm a believer once again!
Spraying the product on the towel or cloth first is the ideal way to use it. It's also the best way for interior detailing.
Works great
Good stuff

Originally Posted by kstanf150
Works great
Good stuff

Great stuff! I always use their leather detailer.
I use the gentle approach to cleaning the leather, I believe modern cars have thin coating over the leather. I put 2 caps of Woolite in 2 cups of water. Sponge the leather, gently scrubbing any stains with the sponge. Dry with a microfiber towel. To finish I use Lexol, following directions. Please try this at your own risk as I am not a professional
I was recently very impressed with Mothers VLR. I had never tried it. I wanted an AIO that my elderly parents could use on their MKS interior. I used it on their tan seats -- with lots of blue jean staining. It worked very well. I cleaned the remaining interior, and it left a natural, clean (flat/matte) finish. It doesn't really smell good, if that's your thing.
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