Champ/Luber-Finer Air Filters

Aug 30, 2004
Rockauto sells the Champ/Luber-Finer Air Filters for very reasonable prices. I have seen these at many independent quick lubes.

For many applications they are priced between $5-$10/filter, which is significantly less than other options.

In general, there is a lack of efficiency data for air filters. Do these Champ filters actually deliver OE levels of filtration performance?
I have purchased Luber-finer oil filters on close out many times from RockAuto. Matter-of-fact, I put one on my kid’s vehicle a week ago when he was home for the 4th. But because I feel the air filter is more important, I’ve never skimped on the air filter. If you roll the dice, let us know what you think of the quality.
Speaking of RockAuto's "value offerings":
I bought a Bosch air filter a while back and installed it just yesterday evening and checked the RA site for the price as I keep records and didn't want to go digging through my receipt envelope.

At $5.09 the Bosch 5338WS I bought was the cheapest one in the catalog (as of last night). I had no recollection.
My questions matched those of the OP.

NOTE: This is a large filter. $5- $10 prices wowed me. The tops were $14.
I'm 20 years with the V70 -all with the same large filter- and I clearly recall the top (Mahle etc.) being $16.
Have air filter prices come down?
Since they're easy to replace, maybe the industry has noticed do-it-yourselfers installing fewer of them and are adjusting?

Both filters (the old one was a MANN) had 106 pleats and the media felt the same.

I ain't going to sweat it.