Cerium Oxide Glass Polish for windshield etc

Oct 31, 2017
With this emulsion, I can buff out the majority of tiny imperfections in a windshield in ten minutes by hand. I'm talking about those minuscule specks that when driving into the sun impair vision via diffusion and glare. Works also on very fine hairline scratches. I'm sure you can remove slightly deeper imperfections with a buffing wheel. 1.7 oz for 12 bucks. I needed about 1/2 teaspoon for Moneypenny's original 9-year-old windshield. The improvement in clarity is not only noticeable in backlit conditions.

This stuff works great on watch crystals and you can easily remove damaged anti-reflective coatings with it. You can get cheaper powdered cerium oxide but I can't recommend using it dry for health reasons. You could make a slurry with the cerium oxide powder and a little soapy water.

particle size is 0.0027mm/2,700nm
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I got the powder stuff on ebay a few years ago but never used it! I wish I had seen a liquid pre-mixed formula :D
Just make a slurry and make sure to wipe off the stuff before it dries completely. You don't want this airborne. I was looking for a wet product. I have several cans with powdered cerium oxide but I don't even want to open those cans.
Does this stuff work by hand, for spot treatment, or require machine buffing?
You can get very small surface type issues cleared up by hand...like water spots ect...but for any scratch you will need a machine buffer and a lot of time...It just does not come off with one sweep...It takes time to get them out and you must keep the area wet when using because the glass will heat up and if not cooled a bit you run the risk of cracking the glass..
I've tried it on windshields, wasn't very aggressive on scratches. Even just wiper scratches would take forever.

Like on my skid skid someone used a metal scraper I think to clear ice so it's fairly scratched.

Barely helped with that goop and a pad on a random orbit polisher.
Does this stuff work by hand, for spot treatment, or require machine buffing?
I could remove the majority of very fine imperfections by hand. Cerium oxide is just a little harder than glass so it's not very abrasive but hard enough to polish glass. You can probably remove material a fraction of a micron thin by hand.
I might have to try this after I finish up my current bottle of Stoner's glass stripper. I've started using it annually and I can see it strip away a layer of something off the glass each time. Wipers work better much afterwards with no smearing whatsoever, but water no longer beads up.

I might have to try this after I finish up my current bottle of Stoner's glass stripper. I've started using it annually and I can see it strip away a layer of something off the glass each time. Wipers work better much afterwards with no smearing whatsoever, but water no longer beads up.

I have been using Invisible Glass and Invidible Glass Clean&Repel for some time. The former works very well, the latter requires more buffing after application but offers superior water and dirt repellence.
I might have to try this after I finish up my current bottle of Stoner's glass stripper. I've started using it annually and I can see it strip away a layer of something off the glass each time. Wipers work better much afterwards with no smearing whatsoever, but water no longer beads up.

I have the Rain-X version of this product, and it's good for deeper periodic cleansing.

Unlike their repellent, which is nowhere near as good as it used to be.

Griot's sealant is the choice product now, and popular enough that people pay double the ($10) MSRP when ordering it from Amazon ($20). And their algorithm/bot won't budge, even after being notified that theirs is a ripoff price.
I'll have to give Griot's glass sealant a try. I've always worried about coatings causing the wipers to skip/chatter or smear
I used CarPro Ceriglass and a rayon pad to get rid of scratches in my side window the tinter made :/ It worked great with a Griots G9 polisher I have.
Yep, cerium oxide is the stuff. Nothing better for truly polishing glass and removing minor imperfections.

A number of years ago when I was younger, I used Superox-100T cerium oxide compound to polish the windshield of my '95 Civic, which I still have(!). I used a TON of elbow grease polishing it by hand and I still have both arms, but the results were very much worth it. That windshield was SO spotless, it appeared to be nonexistent.