Bought my first commercial e-bike today

Oct 28, 2002
Everson WA - Pacific NW USA
Yeah yeah yeah the idiot who used to sell maniacal 3000W mid motor strap ons bought a brand new Cannondale e-bike.

Had the cash sloshing around in my Paypal account, so naturally I used the Paypal card! Wife will never know. Wait I told her.

She got a Cannondale ebike from REI a couple weeks back. I looked at other brands but smalls all had 29" wheels. I don't want a 29" wheel bike!

I'll get to pick it up after we get back from Alaska.
It's 20mph class, range ~75 mile range not sure if that's optimistic or conservative and I can assist it more for longer range
It depends on the amount of "assist". But on flat land at minimal assist setting a good e-bike can do 75 miles. Our Specialized bikes weigh over 50 pounds-quite frankly you can't ride them without the minimal assist setting-too heavy!
Sweet ride. I was at the bike shop today and checked some out. For those scared of the $5k price tag:


Moterra Neo3​

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Need to pay to play at some point. My money, I earned it with the sweat of my nads. :LOL: And really $5K is kiddie money in 2023, sorry to say.
Ours never leave our line of sight.....NEVER! If I'm solo riding and I have to use the restroom-it goes inside with me.
I know what you are saying. I'm the same with my Stump jumper carbon

I was however referring to the 20mph speed limiter............