Assist Handle - Good or bad idea?

Jul 13, 2020
San Diego County
I have a good friend who is elderly but still drives well. His car is a Hyundai Santa Fe 2013. Problem is he is 5'9" and weighs 286 lbs. I service his car for routine maintenance.

Another friend who is not car savvy, bought him one of these:

When using it, the car visibly leans. Is there any long term harm to be done? Is the car body designed for this? It is very helpful for him, but .................? He has a walker and a cane which he sometimes uses. He likes this, but I am concerned it will damage his car. I don't do body work.

No comments about his excess weight or fat shaming please.
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I would try to grab it near the base and not on the end. but otherwise that part it hooks into is pretty strong.
you just dont want to have a 5:1 lever increasing your force if possible.
I am mostly concerned about distorting the upright frame member. Yes the latch is strong, but is the frame going to deteriorate? He does a lot of short tripping, constantly getting into and out of his car.
Probably not the best idea to exhibit force on the strike in a manner it is not intended to...but I'd keep my mouth shut in this situation.
As a safety guy we have recommended these in the past for residents of nursing homes.

They are fine as long as the attachment point isn’t rusted.
He's going to be holding onto something when getting in and out of the car. It might as well be something solid - like this.

The Santa Fe can be fixed if it breaks down. A fall for the elderly can be fatal.

I recommended one of these to my BIL who was having trouble getting in and out of his SUV because of a rare muscle wasting disease. Sadly he's no longer able to get in and out even with it anymore.
Ecotourist says it best. When people get old we... compromise. Cars are tools and it's nice having the accessories so people can still get around for what they need to do.

The latch can take forces in all sorts of directions-- the unibody is set up so the door adds rigidity when you go over twisty style bumps.

Ever jack a car up with the door open, then have it latch hard? Same thing.
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