Anyone on here use AirWatch as an MDM

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Dec 7, 2012
AirWatch... what a lovely amount of help articles and forum posts I find about it... NOT. lol

We use AirWatch with about 350-400 Android tablets. Most recently, we are migrating to Samsung Galaxy Tab E devices with Android 6. Transitioning from Galaxy Note 8.0 with 4.1 and some with 4.4.

I am finding a lot of our new Tab E tablets are being enrolled without ever prompting to give Location and Phone permission to the AirWatch Agent app. This in turn, is not providing our AW Console with the device's location or phone number (SIM number).

Help desk has rolled out approximately 50-60 new tablets with this happening. I can very easily adjust these settings hands on, but would much so prefer to no have to handle that many tablets.

Anyone on here an AirWatch guru? We have AW through AT&T... they are not very helpful support wise to say the least.

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Although I don't have any solutions I feel your pain as we have used AirWatch and not really that great. Ended up never using it and just found a back door way of getting work emails.
I agree with you 100%. In some ways I am appalled that this is a VMware product - I guess the only saving grace is that this was a product that VMware bought and added to their scope of products. It is no where near the same quality Workstation or ESXi is.

We are looking into other MDM solutions; Microsoft's offering and Mass360. AirWatch has been cumbersome to say the least.

I am no pro with it, being thrown into it about a month and a half ago... but I don't think it should be this difficult. I also find that a lot of "best practices" with AirWatch usually seems to all be centered around using iOS devices, that of which I would prefer. Love iPhones and iPads - iOS is great IMO. However, some of our most important software's mobile client side is Android only.
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