Anyone hate having a cell phone

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Took an order for a 55 gallon barrel of XL 10w30mthe other day while riding my bicycle.

I love my phone.
I need a phone and landlines are garbage so we are strictly using cell phones. We have cable internet at home and shop. Most communication is done over the internet with drawings, contracts, photos, etc. so cable access is necessity. If I use cell phone its "GET TO THE POINT" and hang up. No jibber-jabber! I have to much going on to talk anything but business on the phone. The phone is a tool nothing else!

If you call me you better have a reason to call or I will cut you off quick!
They're ok. I have a Tracfone and probably use it 5-10 minutes per week. It saves me a few trips. Figure it pretty well pays for itself plus I have it for emergencies.

Originally posted by Matt_S:
To be honest, though, if I could get a decent signal inside my house, I'd strongly consider getting rid of my land line.

Well try another provider (actually have one of your friends with another service check the signal at your house. I used to have Verizon but got a very low signal at my house. Now with ATT the signal is full tilt maximum. It does make a difference.
I love my phone but I am a truly mobil worker. I mainly work from home but find myself working in many places. On the occasions I am out I can get paid while driving personal errands during a conference call (mostly listening in). I do pull over when I actually interact.
I think cell phones can be a great thing, especially for highway emergencies, but like most everything else, have been abused and over-used. We have pre-pay airtime phones and they are definitely the way to go for folks like us who don't use them for casual chatting.
I have a cell phone for my use. I usually don't carry it so other people can call me, but so I can place a call when I need to without looking for a payphone. I do not talk on my phone in places where it would be considered rude. I also use my phone for all of my long distance calls because it is so much cheaper than using a landline.

A few guys I work with live on their cells phones and it drives me nuts. Their phones ring non-stop. I couldn't live like that. I would have to shut the phone off and only turn it on when I needed to use it.

Originally posted by Al:
Well try another provider (actually have one of your friends with another service check the signal at your house. I used to have Verizon but got a very low signal at my house. Now with ATT the signal is full tilt maximum. It does make a difference.

Believe me, I have. No one gets a decent signal in my neck of the woods. They're SUPPOSED to be building a tower a half mile away from me, but who knows when or if that'll actually happen.
Mine is great because the "off" button works very well
. Seriously, only the wife and immediate family are ones I take calls from, and they know that whatever it is better be important. Everyone else gets voicemail.

I use it at work for sending messages that utilize automated response. Much quicker and direct than the CAD, plus it doesn't tie up radio airtime. There is also another advantage to everybody having one. Folks call in emergencies from location rather than hunting for a phone like the "old" days, saves alot in response time. Except barking dog complaints. We still slow down for those
I've never had a cell phone. Don't want one either.

The main thing I see cell phones used for is to avoid planning and thinking. Every single time I go to the grocery store, I see people that walk the entire store while on the phone the entire time!
So they don't have to make a list!

And why people pay for something like ring tones is beyond me
I use to carry a cell phone in the car in case of an emergency. I got rid of it when I got a car with OnStar. The basic OnStar plan is cheaper then most cell phone contracts. lets me place & receive calls on a per minute basis through Verizon and has a whole lot of additional benefits.
We have about 6 months left on our contract... I think we have turned it on maybe 5 times... We take it on vacations and thats it. As soon as the contract runs out buhhhh bye. I hate phones anyways. We do not answer our phone and screen all calls. even from mom... if you want me to talk to you better leave a messege and i'll call back...or not. We have to have a phone for my job but no where does it say I have to answer it. Also another bonus is the new '05 Trailblazer we have has onstar. SO I think we will keep that and bail on Verizon..
An ex-girlfriend gave me a cell phone for Christmas one time. I would have kept it since it was just a pay as you go cell, but it required that you put more time on every 2 months or all your time expires. It wasn't bad; it would have been $10 every 2 months, but when I learned this I just let it run out. She was not impressed and I couldn't care less.
This was a relationship that had become a long-distance one (300mi) while we were going to different universities, and I thought she was trying to put a leash on me. It wasn't until too late that I realized she just wanted to say good-night to me before bed every night, which had been a routine when I had been working but didn't work out as well in school since I was at the university or at friends' (classmates) places until 2AM most nights. Just one of many mistakes in that relationship. Unfortunately this is the girl that, a few years and a few girlfriends later, I still can't imagine ever finding an emotional replacement for.

Sorry. I guess I just had to get that off my chest.
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