almost ZERO outside

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Originally Posted By: D189379
Originally Posted By: OVERKILL
Was -4F this AM here (-20C). Power steering pump on the Expedition made an initial complaint and then quickly silenced. My car was fine.

Oil temperature was just coming off the stop for the gauge (50C) when I got to work though....

I always find around that temp the wind shield quickly fogs on the inside when my breath hits it. I usually have to let the truck warm up until it blows warm air onto the glass.

I run the defroster on cold. Helps avoid having to wait.
I'll usually wait for the focus to stop idling at 3000 RPM then I will take off.
No fuel-injected car should be idling at 3K RPM even when EhEeElEl freezes :)
Originally Posted By: D189379
Originally Posted By: OVERKILL
Was -4F this AM here (-20C). Power steering pump on the Expedition made an initial complaint and then quickly silenced. My car was fine.

Oil temperature was just coming off the stop for the gauge (50C) when I got to work though....

I always find around that temp the wind shield quickly fogs on the inside when my breath hits it. I usually have to let the truck warm up until it blows warm air onto the glass.

Fix = drive off ASAP and quit mouth-breathing
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it is almost zero F outside in the past couple of weeks for the high of the day in Fargo, ND. when it really go above zero F, it feels nice and warm, you know, like spring is around the corner.
Liz went out to run errands in her was 8 degrees. She hadn't plugged it in last night...started it, ran it at fast-idle (1400RPM) for about 3 minutes, then drove it. With thinner oil (has 15W-40), she'd have driven right off.
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
Liz went out to run errands in her was 8 degrees. She hadn't plugged it in last night...started it, ran it at fast-idle (1400RPM) for about 3 minutes, then drove it. With thinner oil (has 15W-40), she'd have driven right off.

Get that 15-40 out of there! lol
^^^^^ Isn't that the truth, Papa Bear!

I went into town today and it was so cold that the lawyers had their hands in their OWN pockets.
Snow coming through here, it's too cold for salt, so they're using calcium.

I can hear my fenders rusting at the very thought.
Today was sunny and 72, it will warm up to 75-76 tomorrow and Monday, then it will cool down to mid 60's few days later.

Low overnight is in the high 40's to low 50's for several days.
70 today, 75 tomorrow, 81 on Monday and Tuesday. Got out on the motorcycle today

Had a few nights in the 20s last week which we are not used to.
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-13C (8F) today. And been snowing constantly since yesterday. We've accumulated about 6" in the last 12 hours I'd say.
Originally Posted By: Anduril
70 today, 75 tomorrow, 81 on Monday and Tuesday. Got out on the motorcycle today

Had a few nights in the 20s last week which we are not used to.

You californians get out of this thread! You're no fair! BOOOOOOOOOOO
Originally Posted By: doitmyself

I went into town today and it was so cold that the lawyers had their hands in their OWN pockets.

Now THAT'S funny.
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