4 1/2 years!

Oct 17, 2010
SW Florida
This Bulldog came to us in a container from Sweden. We were going to bolt on the wings and tail for the owner and send him on his merry way. Well, things were discovered, things escalated and after 4.5 years I test flew late this week! A factory fresh Lycon IO-360, freshly overhauled prop, new interior, new Cleveland wheels and brakes, new Goodyear rubber. Garmin G3X and 650 in the panel, autopilot and com panel. Just a couple minor squawks/adjustments that we will correct in the next couple of weeks. Considering where we started, the results have been great !! It will be on the market soon though.
N8804P panel.jpg
N8804P  2.jpg
Does that mean, after 4 1/2 years the customer lost interest, so he is selling it? After all that, will he recover his investment?