Hundred mile and hour goat.

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Jun 9, 2012
Reno, NV
“Hundred Mile an Hour Goat”

Two rednecks were in West Virginia deer hunting. They came across a hole in the ground that hadn’t been there the last time they had hunted.

They decided to see how deep it was by dropping something down it and listening to how long it took to hit bottom.

They dragged an old transmission from nearby and pushed it into the hole. They didn’t hear it hit. As they turned to leave they both saw a goat going about a hundred miles an hour jump into the hole.

One said to the other “Wonder why that goat went in the hole?”

About then a farmer came by and asked “did you see my goat.?”

So they told him about the goat they had seen come in at 100 miles and hour and jump in the hole.

The farmer replied “I wonder how he got loose from that transmission I had him chained to?”
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