Yall know of anyone who does 1k OCI's or

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Apr 7, 2017
Monthly to weekly OCI's?

Perhaps bc they're OCD or just love the feeling of working on their ride.

I knew a fellow who changed his oil on the 1st day of the month, whether the oil had 500 miles or 5 miles. He always did it after work about 4:30, didn't matter weather conditions or other things. It. Got. Done.
That old 84 Dodge Ram, prolly had the cleanest engine in the south, but he sure did spend alot of money. Still, he never complained and I'd seem him working on it occasionally...big smile while working.
That's ridiculous, there's no reason to change the oil that frequently, the only person benefiting is the oil companies and the parts store.
Whatever floats your boat and makes you happy. Better than sitting in a bar and drinking your pay check away. Maybe he got along better with his truck than his wife?
Originally Posted by Speak2Mountain
Monthly to weekly OCI's?

Perhaps bc they're OCD or just love the feeling of working on their ride.

I knew a fellow who changed his oil on the 1st day of the month, whether the oil had 500 miles or 5 miles. He always did it after work about 4:30, didn't matter weather conditions or other things. It. Got. Done.
That old 84 Dodge Ram, prolly had the cleanest engine in the south, but he sure did spend alot of money. Still, he never complained and I'd seem him working on it occasionally...big smile while working.

If you have driven 3,000 miles since the last one, why not?
Originally Posted by Speak2Mountain
I knew a fellow who changed his oil on the 1st day of the month, whether the oil had 500 miles or 5 miles. He always did it after work about 4:30, didn't matter weather conditions or other things. It. Got. Done.

Yeah, major OCD thing going on there. What other strange OCD habits did this guy have?
Good thing about changing your oil once a month is nobody gets hurt - other than the wife's feelings.
Wonder what oil he uses to change them? Probably cheap oil, would be much ridiculous if he is using something more value to change every month like Mobil 1.
heard somewhere its actually a bad thing for the engine deposit wise beacuse the oil evaporates the most in the first 2k miles.
I'm going with he is safer under the car than in the house. My dad spent a LOT of time in our detached garage while I was growing up. He and mom fought a lot. I should say mom fought a lot with him. He was content to just hunker down in the garage and avoid her. Plus the guy isn't making me pay for the oil so I am good with what he wants to do.
Funny story, in the 1970's we used to commute into NYC about once a week with the family '67 Mustang 6 cylinder (otherwise took the train) . Parking was stupidly expensive, so we got the idea that an oil change would be a good idea as a way to park the car. The oil change was something like $19.95 and parking was $60.

After many oil changes the Italian mechanic came out and loudly exclaimed Mr. Cujet, your oil, it's-a-clean!!! I guess he assumed we wanted to flush out any sludge.

That engine burnt a valve at about 90,000 miles, and we did a valve job but no other repairs. The amazingly frequent oil changes resulted in a very long lasting engine that ran perfectly when the car was scrapped at a couple hundred thousand miles.
Only if I was running super tech or valvoline.(flame suit on lol) If you were running race oil or no air filtration for drag racing then yes! I used to change mine every 3k max and that seemed excessive but I enjoyed it.
Back in the 70s when I raced in SCCA, I'd usually change oil after 3 weekends which was typically about 300 total miles. This was a before syns era, using Valvoline 20W50 racing oil.
Originally Posted by Cujet
the Italian mechanic came out and loudly exclaimed Mr. Cujet, your oil, it's-a-clean!!!

Different strokes for different folks. Doesn't affect me.
Originally Posted by Triple_Se7en
Work friend in the late 1970s changed his oil every 1,000 miles and his filter every 3,000.

I can kind of see that logic back then, the oil wasn't nearly as good as it is today, and some people probably still had it instilled in their head to change the oil like once every two months or 2000miles which was the norm in the 50s and 60s
Used to work with a guy at a WM TLE that had an early 2000's Intrepid who did oil changes every 2k miles and never a click more.

He also was obsessive about using only Valvoline or Esso Protec oils - used to buy it by the case when it went on sale.

Hated the Pennzoil we used in the shop - it was ‘watery junk' that splashed out of oil pans because it broke down to nothing in engines. His oils had ‘good body' and would drain out thick and smooth bc they didn't break down.

He lived right next door to the store, and only really used his car for highway trips out of town - 2k oil change on all highway driving!
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