windshield film

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Nov 27, 2014
I may have asked this before but cant remember.
I have a 2010 Elantra non smoking car.
The inside of the windshield keeps getting a film on it.
It's almost grease like and very difficult to clean.
The car does get a fair amount of sun on the dash when my wife forgets to put the sunshade on it.
First thing that came to mind is a bad Heater Core . Check the passenger side floor for wetness.
I had a car with a black vinyl interior that coated the windshield with a bluish film that was hard to clean off. I figured it was from the sun heating the interior and causing chemicals to come off the vinyl and plastic and depositing on the windshield.
Depends how often it happens. If more than once a year then I would suspect the heater core is leaking or weeping. Even a small weep that doesn't create any dripping on leakage will cause this residue on the windshield. If it takes about a year to accumulate then it's just a maintenance task.

I live in an area near steel mills and our air quality isn't the greatest. (Dirty monthly furnace filters that are dark grey) I'm forever cleaning this type of residue off the glass in my vehicle. Even the side windows have a film on them every couple of months. I think it's from the poor air quality and the humidity we have most of the year (living so close to the lake) because in the winter it doesn't seem to happen when the air is really dry.

There are new glass cleaning products that contain polymers in them that will leave an invisible coating on the glass to resist oily residue and dust. You might consider one of these products. The company I used to work for here in Canada manufactured one and we used it in Hospitals on glass doors with frequent traffic to keep finger prints away but it could also be applied in your type of situation.
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Do you use interior wipes and sprays? They can off gas (especially in the summer) and leave film on the glass.
Originally Posted by mclasser
Do you use interior wipes and sprays? They can off gas (especially in the summer) and leave film on the glass.

This. If you are using ArmourAll or cheap wipes then this can happen. Cleaning the interior glass should be part of your cleaning routine. It's surprising how much film can build up inside the car.
There are now special microfiber rags out there that are designed for glass, with a smoother nap to them, that take that film off without using spray. I always keep one in the glovebox now all the time.
I tried a microfiber cloth and Windex.
The microfiber cloth did a much better job then the paper towels.
The paper towels seemed to smear the film.
I would say the glass is 90 % clean,good enough.
I did use Armor all wipes on the dash a couple of years ago and thought that might be the reason for the film.
I cleaned the dash with a now unknown strong cleaner.
The microfiber ones I'm referring to work very well on the film, just a light wipe and it's gone, with no use of Windex or anything else. Now, really dirty interior glass might require Windex or the like, but you'd be surprised how good just a quick buff with the special microfiber meant for glass does. I don't even have to unfold it, just a wipe, and back in the glovebox.
the good news is the wife really liked how clean the inside of the windshield came out.It's her car.
dodged another one guys.
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