What unusual or funny thing does your dog do


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Apr 12, 2009
Every dog that we have had did one or two unusual things. My current pooch loves to watch television. She is very engaged with it. Every evening around 7:30 she asks to have the tv put on for her. Her favorite program is Lucky Dog.
She also enjoys action movies especially if it has any kind of bird or animal in it. Her daily routine is not complete without it.

What funny thing does your dog do?
my boy watches TV very intently which is both good and bad

When he was a puppy he got scared of Godzilla and hid behind the couch and would sneak a peek at the TV the same way a kid does when they watch a scary movie. As he got older he stopped hiding and would (and still to this day) react at anything that looks like an animal or monster. It does not matter if the animal is real or from a video game (even 2D ones). The strange part is he does not react to animals in real life at all.

He also learns from TV (not kidding). There was a commercial that had people with a dog ringing a doorbell. After the third or fourth viewing Flash would go to my door and start barking and growling anytime he heard a doorbell on a tv show or if I played the sound on my phone. I did not have a doorbell mind you.....he picked this up entirely from that flipping commercial.

My favorite video game series is Fallout and I had to stop playing them because he reacts when he sees the box art from both New Vegas and Fallout 4 because he knows there are evil creatures in there despite the box art not having any animals depicted. There is a YouTuber I sometimes watch that happens to have a semi simplistic cat face painting in the corner behind him. If Flash hears this guys voice he goes up to the TV growling without even needing to see the painting

I use my 65" tv as a monitor for my PC. He scans YouTube thumbnails for potential animals/monsters and will react accordingly. He used to growl when he heard but could not see someone talking on the screen like when listening to podcasts and he is still weird around most ASMR

video I took back when I thought it was funny and something I could correct

whenever he's standing and i call him he just plops down and faces away from me to be lazy.
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I had a pug once who would attack the TV if a horse came on.
My dog has never seemed to notice the tv but we had rented a movie and it had a shot of a pug walking up the steps into a motor home and he ran up to the TV barking stood on his hind legs watching the tv closely.

He has never done that before or since, rewound and replayed the scene a few times since he seemed to get a real kick out of that every time.
Years ago we had a Boxer, Rocky. In our house we have those talking combination smoke / carbon mon detectors. One night the detector announced that it had a low battery, at about 3 am. He leaped up and out of his bed, charged down the stairs barking at devcon 4. A minute late he came back up acting like he saved the whole family from certain death. We still laugh about that today. I miss that guy.,,,
Every dog that we have had did one or two unusual things. My current pooch loves to watch television. She is very engaged with it. Every evening around 7:30 she asks to have the tv put on for her. Her favorite program is Lucky Dog.
She also enjoys action movies especially if it has any kind of bird or animal in it. Her daily routine is not complete without it.

What funny thing does your dog do?
View attachment 203560
I'm seeing a bunch of wealth in that picture . Great picture.
Our dog Luna (Labra-Doodle age 9.7) gets a dried liver treat when she comes into the house when we call her, as such this is abused by Luna as much as possible.

She makes like she has to go outside, for her bladder, and then fakes a pee so that she can get the treat. We see her squat for 1 millisecond and then she runs for the door, she's trained Mom & Dad perfectly.
Simba (the dog) likes to "rug surf". It's a variation of zoomies.

We have a throw rug in front of the kitchen sink. He'll run back and forth the length of the rug, effectively getting the rug to slide with him on it. When I pull the rug back into position, he'll get on and ride along.
I had an English Springer Spanial (pictured at left) who had a regular bed pillow and pillow case. Not only would he drag it all around the house, but often he'd actually suck on it like he was nursing from his mother. He was outstanding and lived for 14 years.
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We had a mastiff with some odd ones - she liked to gently remove hair scrunchies or hair clips from anyone close enough to reach. She would also watch birds, whether flying or eating at the feeder (she wasn't interested in eating them). She was also very interactive with our neighbors horses. She'd go to the fence by their pasture by our yard and they'd come over and they'd sniff each others noses. The horses have ignored our other dogs.