What is Avblend?

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Sep 11, 2003
North of Dallas Texas
From Xcel web site, its all snake oil.

Dear Sirs,

I'm a fish spotter and fly the Chesapeake Bay area and along the eastern seaboard. We routinely put between 1,200 and 1,500 hours a season on these light aircraft. Prior to using Xcel Plus we were having considerable problems with valve guide wear which would cause considerable overheating and stresses in the cylinders. We were using Avblend and it could not alleviate this problem.
In 1994 I put a new engine on my aircraft after sufficient break-in, I used your Xcel Plus Aircraft Engine Protection. Since the, I have flown the aircraft over 3,500 hours.
When we have pulled the cylinders for inspections, we have found very little wear. To date we have less than .001 wear on the cylinder bore. I have noticed an increase in fuel economy, a decrease in engine operating temperature and a much smoother running engine.
Yours, truly,
Harold C. Rittenhouse
Commercial Pilot
I emailed Avblend for an MSDS with no response. There are no warning labels or any ingredients listed on the can. They make a big deal about being FAA approved. I think that just means that it does no harm. Thin mineral oil for $20 a 12 ounce can?
Basically the same stuff marketed as ZMax "with Linkite".

There was a suit filed by the FTC against the company. I don't know what the resolution was, but you don't see their infomercials anymore (I did see the stuff in Advance Auto recently...) The bottom line is it did not perform as claimed in any way for automotive applications. Since the FAA has stated that it won't cause unusual harm to the motor, hard to file suit for aircraft applications...

It is mostly mineral oil.

But it is "Government Approved" Snake Oil!!!
I have "heard" that MMO can help with sticky valves on O-360s...

I have also "heard" that FP/Neutra may help, and there is some "scuttlebutt" that AutoRX can clean motors, even air-cooled large bore types
Xcelplus is not related to any of the treatments mentioned.

A full list of names Xcelplus has traded under is available on the web site.

The FTC has taken action against many of companies but not Xcelplus... which has been around much longer than any of these other companies.

Xcelplus is also the only company with tests (as opposed to testimonials) on their web site.

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Someone gave me a can of Avguard and I'd like to find some use for it. Would it be worthwhile adding a few oz in auto gas, similar to MMO? Add to tractor diesel fuel?
Originally Posted By: tc1446
Someone gave me a can of Avguard and I'd like to find some use for it. Would it be worthwhile adding a few oz in auto gas, similar to MMO? Add to tractor diesel fuel?

Correction: Avblend (not avguard)
Originally Posted By: tc1446
Someone gave me a can of Avguard and I'd like to find some use for it. Would it be worthwhile adding a few oz in auto gas, similar to MMO? Add to tractor diesel fuel?

I would put a little in with the crank case oil when you change oil. I'd keep the % of Avblend fairly low. I'd use it up that way.
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