We just had an earthquake here in No. NJ 10:26AM Friday 05 April

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 10.56.54 AM.jpg
From the above link, incase you missed it. This is a cool map, you can click on the circles for any area and it will give you the estimated intensity in that area.

^^^ also note if you know how to zoom on your computer you can zoom in much more closely right down to individual towns

An example of a zoomed map and I could zoom much closer, you then click on the circles and it gives an estimate. Some people in central Long Island felt it stronger than people closer in Northern NJ. Central Long Island isnt on the map below as I have zoomed in

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 11.13.23 AM.jpg
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According to that map link, my house that was shaking on Long Island (Lake Grove, Suffolk County) felt like a 3.3

Wife works in school library 2 miles away, all her books fell off the shelves she said.

I didn't know what it was originally, checked on my son in basement and quick outside/inside 360. No issues. I actually thought plane or helicopter issue since I'm not far from MacArthur Airport and in SCPD helicopter flight path to hospital.

Crazy times.
Staten Island shook pretty good, the cereal boxes hit the floor
I was at work, Downtown Brooklyn on the cantilevered part of BQE/I-278
I thought it was finally crumbling and letting go 😭

I hope no one was hurt, or any major property damage
I probably should check all the oil bottles precariously shelved in the shed
Hopefully my backyard hasn't just become a superfund site 😳
I didn't feel it in Easton, PA even though some in the warehouse said they did. I checked the cameras and could not see any shaking and since ours are attached right to the steel beams you'd see it like our warehouse in NJ.

Lebanon NJ Warehouse

So clicking on the USGS map it seems they're further breaking down the MMI scale? I'm a little confused because a description of the scale seems to deal in whole Roman numerals but clicking in the map will give a result of something like "MMI 3.8" or "MMI 4.3"

Aftershocks throughout the day. At 6Pm family members of mine felt one on Long Island (actually they were on the phone at the time) and they along with neighbors headed out the door to the street. I cant comprehend because these are small/tiny but something they are not used too vs the west coast.
Though another person I know sent a photo of their bookcase were two shelves collapsed. Again, this isnt West Coast stuff but it is unusual for the area so it seems bigger even though it is safe. Kind of like getting a snowfall in an area that never gets snow.