Vintage photo of a L1011 and a 747 PAX jet at LAX


$100 Site Donor 2024
Nov 28, 2014
Steilacoom, WA
Highly doubtful to ever see a L1011 and a 747 parked together, except maybe at an aircraft pasture yard. Add TWA into the mix and it is a bit more eye catching. I suspect there are no more airworthy L1011s in operation. On a fluke, there use to be L1011 daily service between Palm Beach International and Hartsford International in 1984, because of the volume of fliers shuttling to the Pratt and Whitney plant in Jupiter/ Indiantown FL.

This picture was taken at LAX, the 747 was likely TWA's daily flight from LAX to London. Note the second jet bridge located to the rear of the wing on the 747....
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The first two airliners I flew on were a BAC 1-11 and an L1011, back in the mid 80's.

I though there were a very few of the Lockheeds still flying, maybe one as a test bed??
According to wiki (FWIW) there are 2 l-1011's in operation in 2022, one is Stargazer. Scheduled service use seems to have ended in 2008.

We used to Fly on Eastern L1011 into STT... it was the only jet service and misses SanJuan. You other options were PrinAir or Aero VI. Leaving they did a max performance takeoff, hard bank to miss the mountain then took on fuel in STX.
Man how I miss TWA. Here in STL we could go almost anywhere without the need for a connecting flight. With Eastern being mentioned this also makes me think about all of the airlines that are now defunct. TWA, Eastern, Braniff, Peoples Express, Northwest, ATA, Hooters Air...LOL etc.

What others am I forgetting about?
Highly doubtful to ever see a L1011 and a 747 parked together
Having grown up near Lambert Field (and as Wrenchturner suggested), I can attest that TWA L-1011s and 747s were common sights at STL well into the 1990s (much more L-1011 traffic than 747, though).
Most likely, possibly a DC 8.
Your first wag was correct...TWA didn't operate the DC-8.
What others am I forgetting about?
Since I'm originally from Milwaukee, have to add North Central (later Republic) and Midwest Express (my favorite). From my years in STL honorable mention goes to Ozark and their never-ending stream of DC-9s...second only to TWA in number of movements at STL.
This picture was taken at LAX, the 747 was likely TWA's daily flight from LAX to London. Note the second jet bridge located to the rear of the wing on the 747....

That’s interesting. I wonder why they didn’t use the next door just forward of the wing?

I never liked circular terminals. Narita had one that I called the Circle of Chaos. There would be widebodies parked all around and a number of them would depart in roughly the same time. The number of passengers made the area cramped. They had this boarding system with sounds and flashing lights. The result was Pavlovian.

Thankfully it’s much nicer now.
Having grown up near Lambert Field (and as Wrenchturner suggested), I can attest that TWA L-1011s and 747s were common sights at STL well into the 1990s (much more L-1011 traffic than 747, though).

Your first wag was correct...TWA didn't operate the DC-8.

Since I'm originally from Milwaukee, have to add North Central (later Republic) and Midwest Express (my favorite). From my years in STL honorable mention goes to Ozark and their never-ending stream of DC-9s...second only to TWA in number of movements at STL.
Oh man, how could I have forgotten about bad. Thanks for mentioning them.
Ah a twa 747. Reminded me of that one poor twa 747 and all its passengers that sadly was unlucky enough to get shot down by the satanic demon government which then proceeded to meddle in the ntsb's and faa's investigation which independently concluded that the wiring was perfectly fine and then wouldn't allow a single witness who saw what actually happened to testify and then gaslit everyone into thinking it was a fuel tank implosion when there was explosion shrapnel pointing into the tank not outside. I love the government, they are so ethical and honest, they would never kill us for no reason and then not hold themselves accountable.....
Ah a twa 747. Reminded me of that one poor twa 747 and all its passengers that sadly was unlucky enough to get shot down by the satanic demon government which then proceeded to meddle in the ntsb's and faa's investigation which independently concluded that the wiring was perfectly fine and then wouldn't allow a single witness who saw what actually happened to testify and then gaslit everyone into thinking it was a fuel tank implosion when there was explosion shrapnel pointing into the tank not outside. I love the government, they are so ethical and honest, they would never kill us for no reason and then not hold themselves accountable.....
Its also wrong to peddle unproven conspiracy theories.

While it’s a fact they could not determine the precise cause of the explosion , they know the explosion was from within the centre wing fuel tank. It was not from something external.

I don’t have time to argue, I am late for my flat earth meeting due to forgetting to change my clocks.
Its also wrong to peddle unproven conspiracy theories.

While it’s a fact they could not determine the precise cause of the explosion , they know the explosion was from within the centre wing fuel tank. It was not from something external.

I don’t have time to argue, I am late for my flat earth meeting due to forgetting to change my clocks.
Tell that to the former US president pilot who had connections to it and the navy intelligence reports who also says the same thing. Also the amount of publicized and valid evidence in public domain is enough to discredit the ntsb's theory. But people by the likes of you are told what to believe in and to not believe anything that doesn't have some stamp on it and automatically call anything but the stamped information conspiracy no matter what evidence there is against it.

if you think the ntsb and faa are to be trusted with telling the truth about a crash then go ahead and research the time when two random Australians investigated a United Airlines 747 Flight 811 crash so well they forced the US government to say the actual truth and redact their fake doctored lies which forever made them discreditable to anyone who actually has a brain and can critically think for themselves. The government knowingly lied in that flight 811 report and would have never reissued the report to tell the actual truth had they not been called out by just two random old Australians with no background in investigation of any kind. It's not that they made genuine mistakes and overlooked things by accident. They showed that they knew but decided to willingly lie. Also you're just pathetic for eluding towards discretization by using that clown flat earth comment. You're nothing more than a piece of paper.
Let’s not get this thread locked. It is enjoyable for some of us to see and reminisce about older times in aviation.
Tell that to the former US president pilot who had connections to it and the navy intelligence reports who also says the same thing. Also the amount of publicized and valid evidence in public domain is enough to discredit the ntsb's theory. But people by the likes of you are told what to believe in and to not believe anything that doesn't have some stamp on it and automatically call anything but the stamped information conspiracy no matter what evidence there is against it.

if you think the ntsb and faa are to be trusted with telling the truth about a crash then go ahead and research the time when two random Australians investigated a United Airlines 747 Flight 811 crash so well they forced the US government to say the actual truth and redact their fake doctored lies which forever made them discreditable to anyone who actually has a brain and can critically think for themselves. The government knowingly lied in that flight 811 report and would have never reissued the report to tell the actual truth had they not been called out by just two random old Australians with no background in investigation of any kind. It's not that they made genuine mistakes and overlooked things by accident. They showed that they knew but decided to willingly lie. Also you're just pathetic for eluding towards discretization by using that clown flat earth comment. You're nothing more than a piece of paper.
Just back from the flat earth meeting.

I got kicked out for suggesting maybe we are all just a little paranoid.

I told them, despite the higher levels of solar radiation, I have been electing to fly at higher altitudes ( I have tin foil in my hat, double ply ) and notice the earth has some curvature I never noticed before plus I keep having to compensate with the radar tilt.

They had a vote and kicked me out calling me a radical and had to turn in my club tin foil hat.

BTW, I do NOT fully trust the FAA ( for other reasons ) or any other regulatory authority but I trust the NTSB.

As a rational pilot, the only places I would be worried about missiles would be flying in a war zone or rogue terror state ( Malaysian airlines over Ukraine and Ukraine airlines flying in Iran ).

The biggest concerns I have flying in the u.s right now are .....ATC delays.

Have a good day and hopefully you catch up on the sleep loss as it affects cognitive thinking.
Ah a twa 747. Reminded me of that one poor twa 747 and all its passengers that sadly was unlucky enough to get shot down by the satanic demon government which then proceeded to meddle in the ntsb's and faa's investigation which independently concluded that the wiring was perfectly fine and then wouldn't allow a single witness who saw what actually happened to testify and then gaslit everyone into thinking it was a fuel tank implosion when there was explosion shrapnel pointing into the tank not outside. I love the government, they are so ethical and honest, they would never kill us for no reason and then not hold themselves accountable.....
I can’t tell if you intended to post sarcasm.

Or sad delusion.

I was flying the 747 at the time of TWA 800. I saw the fuel pumps, from our own jets that had failed thrust bearings, and were grinding impellers into the aluminum housings, plugging up the filters.

Hot packs. Long delay. Warmed up center tank pump full of vapor. Fire up the center tank pumps that are grinding internally, adding more heat and…yeah it was the government.


We’ve never been able to cover up something that big. The USS Vincennes proves that.

One thing I’ve learned from accident investigations - most eyewitnesses are hopelessly, hilariously, wrong about what they saw. They believe it, sure, but they didn’t see what they thought they saw.

They have no context, no experience in aviation. One of my favorites was an eyewitness to an F 14 crash who claimed “I saw the jet lose power.”

When in fact, the airplane stayed in full, afterburner the entire time.

Sure, the eyewitness believed what he told the mishap board, but it wasn’t true. It wasn’t even close to true. So the eyewitnesses in the case of TWA 800 believe they saw a missile streak up, which explained the explosion that happened later. But the nearest Navy ship was over 200 miles away. And the missile in use at the time simply doesn’t have that range.

In their own mind, they created something to explain what they saw, even though that thing had nothing to do with reality.

The sad part is, when they publish those sorts of statements, other people actually believe them.

People without an aviation background are unable to distinguish between testimony like that, that makes no sense, and actual events.

Conspiracy theorists pick up on these false statements, and weave a web of delusion, both for themselves and others.

TWA 800 was brought down by a center fuel tank explosion. Period.

It did force the rest of the 747 operators in the world, including us, to examine their center tank pump wiring, fuel quantity indicator system wiring, and the pumps themselves.

We operated with limited center tank pumps for quite a while, because suddenly the pumps were in very short supply. It turns out that the center tank pumps and the horizontal stabilizer transfer pumps are the same, so we robbed a bunch of pumps out of the horizontal stabilizers of our airplanes to put them in the center tank to keep the fleet flying, but it did cut down the range a bit by making the stabilizer tank unusable.

So, I flew the airplane, and I’m more familiar than most with USN capabilities, and I am here to tell you that TWA 800 was not a shoot down. It was a center tank explosion.
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Tell that to the former US president pilot who had connections to it and the navy intelligence reports who also says the same thing. Also the amount of publicized and valid evidence in public domain is enough to discredit the ntsb's theory. But people by the likes of you are told what to believe in and to not believe anything that doesn't have some stamp on it and automatically call anything but the stamped information conspiracy no matter what evidence there is against it.

if you think the ntsb and faa are to be trusted with telling the truth about a crash then go ahead and research the time when two random Australians investigated a United Airlines 747 Flight 811 crash so well they forced the US government to say the actual truth and redact their fake doctored lies which forever made them discreditable to anyone who actually has a brain and can critically think for themselves. The government knowingly lied in that flight 811 report and would have never reissued the report to tell the actual truth had they not been called out by just two random old Australians with no background in investigation of any kind. It's not that they made genuine mistakes and overlooked things by accident. They showed that they knew but decided to willingly lie. Also you're just pathetic for eluding towards discretization by using that clown flat earth comment. You're nothing more than a piece of paper.
Oh? Do tell. Please. Enlighten us all.

Tell me again about what happened on United 811, because I’ve talked to one of the guys who was actually flying the plane.

Remarkable how you know more about what happened on that airplane than he did.

Reading some conspiracy theory garbage on the Internet, and then claiming to know more about what happened to the airplane than the flight engineer who was actually on the airplane, is just foolish.

Or trolling.

And I’m trying to decide which one
Having grown up near Lambert Field (and as Wrenchturner suggested), I can attest that TWA L-1011s and 747s were common sights at STL well into the 1990s (much more L-1011 traffic than 747, though).

Your first wag was correct...TWA didn't operate the DC-8.

Since I'm originally from Milwaukee, have to add North Central (later Republic) and Midwest Express (my favorite). From my years in STL honorable mention goes to Ozark and their never-ending stream of DC-9s...second only to TWA in number of movements at STL.
Capt W,

You have much better eyes that me- I was not (and still can't), validate the third aircraft in the picture is a TWA livery.
Man how I miss TWA. Here in STL we could go almost anywhere without the need for a connecting flight. With Eastern being mentioned this also makes me think about all of the airlines that are now defunct. TWA, Eastern, Braniff, Peoples Express, Northwest, ATA, Hooters Air...LOL etc.

What others am I forgetting about?
WT, there are plenty of them from Capital Air to America West.

The only one that was a significant loss was Midwest Express, which truly provided domestically for all passengers "the best care in the air". Of weird note, I was on a Midwest Express flight from DFW to MKE on the morning of 11SEP2001.