Ultragauge auto power-on

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Staff member
Dec 14, 2002
New Jersey
Ive typically been A user of the scangauge, and have them installed in a few of my vehicles. I didn't get an ultra gauge once a few years ago on one of those super deals, and I would like to install it into my Honda accord hybrid. This car has a Bluetooth key with pushbutton start, which may be part of the issue, I don't know.

The problem is that if I leave it plugged into the car's OBD port, when I push the button to start the car the display does not come up. If I press the top right button for menu, immediately the display comes up with real-time data, no initialization required.

The ultra gauge site is entirely useless, and claims that it's a popped fuse, which I know is not the case.


Any ideas??

Maybe you could rewire the +12v pin in your OBDII connector to something that runs of ACC, for example, the radio.

That way it's "muted" during cranking and might get a cleaner boot. Does it boot up how you like if you just jam it in there cold while the car's running?

You could also get a few-dollar timer module to interrupt and then restore the power feed somehow.
If I plug it in with the car on, immediately it goes through a boot sequence where it scans for can bus as well as the number of gauges that it can support.

If I leave it plugged in and turned on the car it doesn't go through any of that scanning sequence. The only problem is that the screen doesn't turn on. If I hit the menu button on the back immediately the screen comes on and it immediately is showing real-time data.

The issue is that I want to mount the gauge on my dash, but when I do so it will not be conducive to clicking the menu button every time that I start the car.
On my Hyundai Accent it is plugged in all the time. Doesn't go through the boot sequence unless you unplug it. Comes right on immediately after starting the car. Must be live all the time but the screen is dark?
Correct. Mine doesn't go through boot either unless it is physically unplugged. Mine just doesn't have the screen come on when the car is powered up (gas or electric modes). I must physically push the button...
They're supposed to sense the drop in voltage from cranking, I assume. Maybe your battery's too good?
I thought you could change the voltage threshold at which the display comes on. Look at the UltraGauge voltage when the car is running and set the threshold a little lower than that.
So... My car is a hybrid, and the 12V bus is controlled by an inverter off the hybrid battery... Not an alternator, chanrging excitement, etc.

When I turn on headlights or accessories, the inverter takes the voltage up to mid 14V range. This does not turn the gauge on...
Originally Posted By: SHOZ
What model do you have? I assume you've looked through the user manual?

The manual states that there are multiple power on and off modes. One power on mode apparently always works, but is more parasitic. The other mode is the default, and creates less of a drain.

Id prefer to avoid higher parasitic draws, merely because of the size of the 12v battery and the setup of the car (hybrid). There is no real indication of the difference between modes, or why/how they are triggered... Which is my main interest...
You should try contacting the manufacturer. When I was one of the first one to get on the Ultragauge bandwagon, I had found them very responsive to my email. You would most likely hear from one of the developer and can tell you exactly how it is designed to turn on.
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