UK Looks to be leaving the EU

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Originally Posted By: FutureDoc
Congrat "Great" Britain... you will soon neither be "Great" nor "Briton". You just performed the first self-castration of the new world. The UK will rupture. It will be "England" and then the Ireland/Wales/Scotland-EU Union and the midlands will sink into a Detroit-level recession.

Manufacturing and blue-collar jobs will tank in England and move to other EU areas. The "financial" side will figure out a way on the backs of the working class that made their beds.

The whole point of the EU was to leverage the economic interests of several nations against those of a larger area (AKA the US, Russia/SU, and China). So it is like joining teams so that the several smaller economies would not get swallowed up by bigger powers (and the bigger EU countries could impose some of its will on smaller nations... aka Germany and France on others). London boomed as the economic and financial "capital" of the EU economy (see the growth of London compared to other EU economic corridors and that will make since since 1970) and now it will be cut-off and leave others to gain the perks.

Complete nonsense.
The pound and the FTSE are already recovering.
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Originally Posted By: PierreR
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
Originally Posted By: Reddy45
What does the EU do that cannot be handled by each individual nation?

(Besides not needing a passport to travel around)

The only area I think is economy. EU has 1 currency(except Brittan) and trading between member states are duty free(or uniform duty ?). And travel is more freely between countries.

Sweden and Denmark still have their own currency.
But i think it just those 3 (Now 2) that dont have euro.

Travel was more freelyun untill last fall when it was being missused by non eu citizens and now everyone have to show ID or passport to get in to another EU country.
Between Sweden and Denmark we never had to show anything to pass eachothers borders.
The Danish tollofficers could ask something and we would answer in Swedish and then we were ok to go in to Denmark, Now its ID or passport and if you cant show anything you are told to turn back...
Same if they want to go here.

The media, which no longer seems to be an impartial reporter of news, but rather a cheerleader for the one world order leftists, doesn't seem to mention the epidemic of RAPES by 'migrants' in Sweden (Google it).....I wonder why??...I guess it doesn't fit their AGENDA....
Is the UK government bound by law to honor the result? 52 to 48% is about as close as it gets.
Plus, a good number did not vote.
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Chrisri has the right of it. Most of the people who voted for leaving are old "go it alone it was better in the old days" fogeys. A lot like a lot of people in this thread, amusingly enough. All this does is reduce unity. The future and success of the world in the future will depend on unity and cooperation, the UK has now made a very emphatic statement that "outsiders" are not welcome. 75% of the 16-17 population who were not allowed to vote, would have voted to stay, and this will affect them far longer than most of the voters that voted to leave. This isn't voting for a new president, which last at least 4 years, 8 at most. This will effect the UK for generations to come, and it's extremely unfair that a bunch of old stuck in their ways fogeys have determined the course of the nation for generations, when the new generations by far supported staying in the EU.

I'm about as disappointed as you can be, this will not do anything to help the UK. In fact, it's going to fracture them. Scotland is already calling for another secession referendum, as they want to stay in the EU. There is a fairly good chance Ireland will vote to unite, and Northern Ireland will exit the UK. Turmoil and uncertainty are not going to do any favors. what benefit does this get the UK?

"Oh, they can control their borders, that's the most important thing!" I bet there are a few people in here that thing building a certain wall is the solution to all of our problems. In reality, part of the UKs growing economy is due to the ease with which UK and EU citizens can travel, and goods to travel. Basically the old fogeys have voted that "Keep them [censored] foreigners out of our country!". Because it's old thinking, not modern thinking. It's protectionist, and isolationist. And the future depends on cooperation and unity.

It's a huge step backward, and I feel for the citizens of the current UK, future England, who will have to deal with the economic repercussions of this for decades to come.
Originally Posted By: cjcride
Is the UK government bound by law to honor the result? 52 to 48% is about as close as it gets.
Plus, a good number did not vote.

From what I've read, they are not legally obligated to honor the vote, but they probably will. The Prime Minister has already resigned effective October.
Originally Posted By: Reddy45
What does the EU do that cannot be handled by each individual nation?

(Besides not needing a passport to travel around)
Good point, the Brits got along quite well for a long time without the EU. BTW the EU contributes NOTHING to European defense, that's NATO's job. Look for more exits to come. There's a million third world "refugees" sitting in Germany thanks to Merkel and the Brits want NO part of them.
Originally Posted By: ZeeOSix
Reports coming in predict the US stock market is going to have a big negative reaction over this.
It doesn't take much to fool the stock market.
This is fantastic news! The EU is/was (hopefully) a complete sham of a governmental organization with unelected leaders in Brussels meddling in local affairs they have hardly any knowledge of or need to be in. Not to mention the hoards of Middle Eastern migrants they're shoveling in against the people's will.

This vote represents perfectly the concept of good fences make good neighbors. Hopefully this puts a huge dent in globalism.
Originally Posted By: Nick R
*deleted because I can't bring myself to care anymore

I bet you're a lot of fun to be around. You do realize the EU is in a death spiral and the UK was just the first from a sinking ship?
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
This is fantastic news! The EU is/was (hopefully) a complete sham of a governmental organization with unelected leaders in Brussels meddling in local affairs they have hardly any knowledge of or need to be in. Not to mention the hoards of Middle Eastern migrants they're shoveling in against the people's will.

This vote represents perfectly the concept of good fences make good neighbors. Hopefully this puts a huge dent in globalism.
There is a strong force behind the one world government movement.
Originally Posted By: Garak
If I had a dollar each time investors panicked about a non-event, I'd be able to afford Bill Gates as my butler.

And there is money to be made by the big boys in churning the market. Snapping up undervalued stock they helped to devalue is their bread and butter.
It's a good day for the EU -- Britain has been like a cinder block attached to the neck with all the naysaying and obstruction. My EU friends are somewhat appalled by the isolationism but are glad to get rid of them.

I don't predict much change in the economy of the two sides. Britain will attempt to retain some of the common market features. Let's see what Scotland does. They are remainers and this may galvanize their independence movement.
Originally Posted By: pbm
Originally Posted By: simple_gifts
What does the EU do that cannot be handled by each individual nation?

Create a unified economic force against "troublemakers" to the East.

A veritable "green light" for malfeasance makers who would like the rest of the EU to crumble.
Yeah, that must be it.

One of the issues that troubled many Britons was being told they had to take 'refugees' by Brussels...many of these 'refugees' did not want to ASSIMILATE but rather make DEMANDS on their host....the same thing is happening here in America...I only hope we have the same fortitude as the Brits to take control of our future.

Say NO to Globalism...
Originally Posted By: HerrStig
Originally Posted By: Garak
If I had a dollar each time investors panicked about a non-event, I'd be able to afford Bill Gates as my butler.

And there is money to be made by the big boys in churning the market. Snapping up undervalued stock they helped to devalue is their bread and butter.

The key is to either have the cash, or be able to borrow. The smart money was on remain but I'm sure some have shorted.
Fear driven vote capturing a majority of the working class older voters in Midlands and Northern England who are disturbed by the immigration. EU wil take a hard line in negotiating post exit relations with the UK. The UK economy will be severely damaged. Most important is how EU responds. The runaway bureaucracy of the EC must be curbed and democratized, a pan – European treasury, banking system and bond market.

Some feel Europe was sold a bill of goods decades ago on the proposition that there could be an economic union without a political one. Not a good idea IMO.
No one knows for sure what will happen or how things will turn out, but at least they can say the people had a their opportunity to vote unlike many other places in the world. I think it was good for the uk to leave because it looked like they were being held back more than helped by the eu.

Sure, you wouldn't want to live there. But the propping up is largely mandated by DC. We didn't prop them up before there was the war on poverty and yet humans chose to live there.

The propping up as you call it is really meaningless. First, there are more military facilities in the south and many of those calculators figure in military spending. Combine that with smaller populations compared to more densely populated northern states and CA and you have a somewhat skewed view of things with respect to transfers of federal dollars.

Again, not saying you or I would want to live there. But I'm not saying that the people of the states you mentioned would be unable to fend for themselves.

Originally Posted By: Ethan1
Originally Posted By: Jetronic
what does the US do that can't be done by each individual state?

Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and a few other states in the South would be getting along just fine if they weren't being propped up by the federal government, right?
I think they'll miss the UK more than they are saying today. The UK was a net importer from other EU states. If they don't figure out some means of free trade, they lose a big portion of the buyers of their goods and services.

Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
It's a good day for the EU -- Britain has been like a cinder block attached to the neck with all the naysaying and obstruction. My EU friends are somewhat appalled by the isolationism but are glad to get rid of them.

I don't predict much change in the economy of the two sides. Britain will attempt to retain some of the common market features. Let's see what Scotland does. They are remainers and this may galvanize their independence movement.
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