Triple A....worth it or not?

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Beware AAAs are franchised by state/region so the Minnesota one might be good or bad.

I had it for a year; used it for one junk car tow. They were very professional. The standard package is 5 miles for free then $4 a mile. The premium is 100 miles free. But do it more than 2-3x in a year and they start getting huffy.

Also get a 7% discount at NAPA.

I now have a tow dolly and understanding wife, so I do my own hauls.

They are good for tows out of ditches, as the tow trucks the cops call in a snowstorm usually take AAA. And if they don't you get the "police dispatch rate" which is set by contract to not be completely absurd.
It's a type of insurance. For the majority of people it's not worth it but it's comforting should something bad happen. I have it my family.
Most new cars come with roadside assistance, if you need basic stuff.. its available from insurance companies for around 7$/6month.

If you want it for discounts or the premium for long range towing.. possibly worth it.
I have had AAA for many years. I have used it many times over the years too. I have even used it to have my Harley towed when I broke a belt. Well worth it in So Cal IMHO. I have heard that AAA is a state by state thing though.
I had it the last time I lived in Florida, and my only gripe was that, at the time, they dispatched 80 miles away from the town I lived in. However, I had a habit of locking myself or of my car, so they came in handy.
It's great! My wife likes to lock her self out of her truck a lot. I dont have to take time off work to go rescue her.

My boss has the big $$$ AAA thing and they towed his air brake motorhome many miles for free when a tire blew up and tore off the air lines.

That tow bill would have been in the thousands!
Contact your auto insurer and see how much they charge. It's $12/vehicle to get 20 miles towing and other benefits. I have yet to use it in the last 15 years.
I have AAA premier. It will cover a tow for my vehicles and my travel trailer. I think it is worth it. If I break down with the travel trailer, I get one tow up to 200 miles and 3 tows up to 100 miles per year to a destination I choose. The insurance companies road service tows to the nearest repair shop and will not tow the travel trailer. You can also use AAA for a friends car if you are an occupant. Some of the other discounts have been useful as well. In 5 years, I have only used it once, but I still think it is worth it.
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Just throwing it out. I have AMA( it covers up to 35 miles free of charge for $50 a year and cover motorcycle, as well as other autos. I used to have AAA, but needed an RV package for motorcycle towing which was way expensive, hence I switched to AMA.

Cheap and provides a peace of mind, plus I don't drive newer cars or ride newer motorcycles

For anything over 50 miles, AAA is definitely worth it, do check your state as other have suggested. Good luck
I've used the free tow once in about 20 years, so it isn't cost effective for that.

I had them change a tire once. I could have done it myself - but was visiting my sister and it was convenient.

The card is useful for negotiating a lower rate at hotels, and their travel books and maps are very good. In Alberta they had a periodic free shredding event and it was a good place for license renewals and passport photos. They also offered advice on travel arrangements and would book tickets for you as a travel agent.

When we're travelling a lot the lower rates on hotels alone probably pays for the card. So probably worth it for us.
Originally Posted By: Rand
Most new cars come with roadside assistance, if you need basic stuff.. its available from insurance companies for around 7$/6month.

If you want it for discounts or the premium for long range towing.. possibly worth it.

This. Their base is mostly older peeps who who are stuck in the world of 40 years ago. The same people that stay with ATT/Verizon, and refuse to change their insurance every few years. Its a huge ripoff. But to each his own.
I used it several times in my Colorado years, and three times since I've been back in Da Swamp: once for a new battery, once for a tow to my mechanic, and once for a tire change. Each time, definitely worth it.
CAA works with any car as well, as long as you're the "driver". In university it was handy a couple times for other peoples old junkers as we could get a free tow using my card.
I also leave my lights on or lock my keys in about once a year so its handy for that too...
Originally Posted By: Chris142
It's great! My wife likes to lock her self out of her truck a lot. I dont have to take time off work to go rescue her.

These magnetic key cases solve lockout problems.

I lock my keys in the car on a regular basis, with this I'm on my way in less than a minute. Just remember to put the spare key back in place so you don't lock it inside as well. My girlfriend use to do that despite instructions to the contrary.

Walmart also has them for about $2.
Originally Posted By: Rock_Hudstone
Originally Posted By: Chris142
It's great! My wife likes to lock her self out of her truck a lot. I dont have to take time off work to go rescue her.

These magnetic key cases solve lockout problems.

I lock my keys in the car on a regular basis, with this I'm on my way in less than a minute. Just remember to put the spare key back in place so you don't lock it inside as well. My girlfriend use to do that despite instructions to the contrary.

Walmart also has them for about $2.

Just carry a spare key on you? Few years ago I started carrying two sets of keys: since the ignition switch debacle I have a keychain with just car keys, and a keychain with house keys. But I keep a spare car key on the house keychain also. Just in case.
Originally Posted By: madRiver
Contact your auto insurer and see how much they charge. It's $12/vehicle to get 20 miles towing and other benefits. I have yet to use it in the last 15 years.

Got rid of AAA, use my State Farm insurer for this service. They charge only a few bucks per year, used it twice, had prompt service and no hassle from Insurance Co.
AAA is the bomb! I've had a premier card for years, a recurring Christmas gift. Buy a broken down car, haggle over towing costs, then call AAA to tow it. Too many drinks out at the bar, AAA will get you AND your car home, UBER can't do that. Friend breaks down, AAA. Load up your Lexus trunk full of Ammo and accidentally lock your keys in the trunk, AAA. Not running run flats on your CTS-V like it specs and you get a flat, AAA. Home lockout services... And all sorts of weird discounts for hotels, travel, and rental cars.
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