Top 10 nationally in study of porch piracy complaints

The military is now accepting candidates up to 42 years old. I think the marijuana disqualifying and high school graduate threshold are gone too. In today's economy anybody with a pulse and a scintilla of integrity and self starting enthusiasm can get a decent starting job that will work into a solid income/benefits career. The armed forces are available to the least qualified as a safety parachute it seems. As a vet myself I support these new enlistees and hope they utilize the training and discipline of their service as a stepping stone to the American dream.
Please take a second look at your post. Some of it appears to indirectly discredit/ slander the men and women who volunteer to serve their country and be part of something larger than themselves.
Please take a second look at your post. Some of it appears to indirectly discredit/ slander the men and women who volunteer to serve their country and be part of something larger than themselves.
I stand by what I wrote. In 1980 I quit a job as a mail carrier to join the USCG. I couldn't see myself as a career letter carrier, I was bored stiff after one year. I was twenty years old. I entered the military with an electronics school guarantee, You need to remember in 1980 there was a bad recession and no jobs to be had, interest rates around 16% etc. I wanted something that would legitimately give me a chance at a career after my four year stint. Times are different today, every trade I know of is looking for apprentices. Fast food is starting well above $10-15 an hour. Many jobs not being filled. There are more choices today. If being in the military with its low pay and other down sides is appealing, go for it. The upside is 20 year retirement and health care. If you want technical training to parlay into a career after your 4-6 year enlistment. Go to navy schools. The black box stuff of the army and AF is useless in the real world. If you want to be an infantry guy, there is really no equivalent in the workforce. You don't need anything to start as a LEO in training other than a clean record/drug test/HS degree. This used to be true in the armed forces. I made the point that the entry thresholds have been lowered and the safety net is in place for the least qualified it seems. That is not to say that many/most of enlistees aren't there for altruistic reasons. I am not attempting to disparage anyone, just placing the subject in an economic discussion. BTW, my four years as an ET set me on a lifetime of lucrative positions in industry. I hope everyone has the same trajectory or better than I had 40 years ago.
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Just in case you didn't know, the USPS will email you every day to let you know what to expect in your mailbox.

Sign up here

Yeah, lemme sign up for the awesome, efficient Postal Service to flood my email inbox with notices of what kind of crap they will drop off in a metal box that I have to throw away.... Sounds like a great idea!
One email per day. Really, that is it.

I would be fine with that if they went one step further and allowed me to "click" on each piece of mail I want delivered that day.

The rest can go into a gi-normous recycling bin!
Wife/daughter get lots of stuff dropped off - they ordered a camera that alerts them of movements - they go get the package …
They are home often … Crooks figure out who is not …