The Chinese Torture Dogs and Cats

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Jan 30, 2007
Clovis, CA
WARNING! The linked video below may be extremely disturbing to some viewers.

The Chinese government have been rounding stray dogs and cats by scaring their citizens into thinking that their pets carry the SARS virus. This is so they can reduce the stray animal population in preparation for the 2008 Olympics.
regarding the cats, my guess is there is going to be an explosion of rats and mice in the near future... probably about the time the olympics get underway....
Thats the real world people, outside of your bubble. They dont treat their own people much better. They have no conscience. What do you think they think about a puppy getting thrown off a cliff? Best off you realize we live on one planet, but in totally different worlds and if or when they collide, I hope people can reconize their are no good enemies.
Originally Posted By: saaber1
regarding the cats, my guess is there is going to be an explosion of rats and mice in the near future... probably about the time the olympics get underway....

That would be great!!
It's a a Communist country. These animals don't fit into whatever the Gov. considers to be the "Greater Good". They'd do the same to humans if they could get away with it.
You mean that they don't ?

Was a doco down here on the people that they've displaces to "clean up" the place for the Olympics. Guys living in rooms about the size of a half shipping container, being "relocated" out of the city to a regional area where the housing won't be built for 3 years.

And then there's those busses that tour the country, executing 17,000 people per year.
The Chinese are good at displacing people.

The Three Gorges Dam is the world’s most notorious dam. The massive project sets records for number of people displaced (at least 1.3 million), number of cities and towns flooded (13 cities, 140 towns, 1,350 villages), and length of reservoir (more than 600 kilometers). The project has been plagued by corruption, spiraling costs, technological problems, human rights violations and resettlement difficulties.

But shurly the Gov. knows best for it's people.

Killing 17,000 by bus every year...they are behind on their schedule with over a billion people over there.
Got a link?
Originally Posted By: Tempest
It's a a Communist country. These animals don't fit into whatever the Gov. considers to be the "Greater Good". They'd do the same to humans if they could get away with it.

I seem to remember reading that the Soviets "relocated" many thousands of homeless people and other "troublemakers" from Moscow to get the place cleaned up for the 1980 Olympics. It would be interesting to find out where they went; maybe I'll try googling it.
The switch from gunshots to injections is a sign that China "promotes human rights now,"

Now there is a good Communist mentality.

Injections leave the whole body intact and require participation of doctors. Organs can "be extracted in a speedier and more effective way than if the prisoner is shot," says Mark Allison, East Asia researcher at Amnesty International in Hong Kong. "We have gathered strong evidence suggesting the involvement of (Chinese) police, courts and hospitals in the organ trade."

But, but, but... they have universal health care. Why would this be happening?
If other countries would only study U.S. history to see that the similar barbaric practices we did to our African slaves and the native Americans did not have good results, maybe these things would not continue around the globe?
They've got some weak stomachs over at "The Cat Site" forum.

They pulled the video and a moderator sent me this PM:


I've just soft deleted the video you've put up on the animals in china because i think it may be too disturbing for a family site.

I'll have some input from the other mods though first, but just so you know where it's went?.

Thanks for understanding in this horrible situation

TVCS Moderating Team
"They've got some weak stomachs over at "The Cat Site" forum.

They pulled the video and a moderator sent me this PM:" Merkava4

Nothing like the old ~head-in-the-sand~ tactic to make it all go away.

Originally Posted By: doitmyself
If other countries would only study U.S. history to see that the similar barbaric practices we did to our African slaves and the native Americans did not have good results, maybe these things would not continue around the globe?
Add into the statement the slaves were purchased from other Africans , not to say it is correct "Slavery"
I think the Death vans actually sound like a good idea. We need to eliminate alot of deathrow. This would save even moving them to a prison. Their one child per family has created a woman shortage for them, guess they didnt think about that.
I read an article (well conspiracy based) that suggested that a severe unbalance in the male/female ratio was desired.

Theory went that if there's a bunch of males, who know that they will never have a wife or family, they will be more willing to join the military, and wage conquest for territory (and partners).
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