Tamarillo, Tree Tomato ?

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Jul 26, 2003
New Zealand
They come from Peru, but we always called them a tree tomato. My Grandmother had a tree out by the chook house in the '50's and '60's. Having lived through a couple of wars and a depression, our family left nothing to waste, all fruit and veg were preserved in some way. We knew we were low in food stocks when Nana gave us kids stewed tree tomatoes - sprinkle sugar on top and screw up your face because they are really sour, and red stains get everywhere.

There have been some sitting in the fruit bowl all week, I've got a cold and figure there is some good Vit C going to waste. I stewed them up with some honey, and mixed them in with some muesli - yummy! Not as bad as I remembered.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
I'm really really sorry for this...
Thank you for the apology in advance . It was necessary.
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