Strange things some people do.

Jun 5, 2003
Apple Valley, California
Had a pipe in my yard that was once used to support a tree from the wind untill the tree got big enough to fend for it's self. They pounded the pipe in ,drilled a hole in the part that was sticking out of the ground and ran a wire from the pipe to the tree.

I got tired of tripping over it so I decided to pull it out. I tried by hand..... Nothin.

Tried digging it out and gave up. The ground is just too rocky as well as calichie clay.

I finally pulled it out with my Jeep and a strap. The pipe is almost 6 ft long!

Only about 8 inches was sticking out of the ground.

Why on earth would someone,somehow hammer a pipe into the ground that far to support a small tree? Must have taken hours if not days to do.

All they needed was a ft or so into the ground.

Here it is next to a full size framing hammer for reference.


  • IMG_20220402_165644019.jpg
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The pipe is almost 6 ft long!

Only about 8 inches was sticking out of the ground.

Why on earth would someone,somehow hammer a pipe into the ground that far to support a small tree? Must have taken hours if not days to do.
I've used hydraulic post drivers, that could have done that in minutes, or less. First time you use one it's "Wow.....look at it go!" Then the driver is kissing dirt.

Luckily they also come with hydraulic pullers, otherwise it's a son-of-a-gun to get the metal post out again.