Stanford Professor warns massive UFO disclosure is around the corner.

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Its been going on so long even the rare official stuff has already been documented prior. They just call it a different name.

Dave Fravors Tic-TaC appears to be the same craft Lonny Zamorra came upon, and has been seen for decades if not longer described as a "propane tank", or a "butane tank".

If your just coming up to speed now you simply haven't been following the problem,.

I say problem because I see nothing good coming from this.
Unless there are laws of physics that we don't know about, extraterrestrials are a figment of many people's imaginations IMO.
Well there's lots of physics we don't know about. Dark energy, dark matter, gravity, a grand unified theory, etc.

yeah... not really. At the speeds we've measured and or observed you can go all kinds of places.

You can get get places at 1G of acceleration. Now multiply that by 50, 100, 1000, and 5000G's we've seen.

They clearly break several newtonian laws so whose to say what other laws they can break?

WE cant there from here, It appears they THEY can. Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman used to laugh at the "you cant get there" position.
While speed is a problem, it doesn't have to be a limiting factor. In theory while the universe is about 13.8 billion years old, you could have had a civilization from millions or a billion years or two ago slowly spread out across the galaxy at sublight speeds. You basically need to be long lived enough to sit around for a few million years while your ships move at sublight speeds. We are about 30,000 light years from the galactic center so if you did 10% light speed, it would take you 300,000 to reach the galactic center and breakthrough starshot has probes going at up to 20% light speed, but you don't stop once you get there.
yeah... not really. At the speeds we've measured and or observed you can go all kinds of places.

You can get get places at 1G of acceleration. Now multiply that by 50, 100, 1000, and 5000G's we've seen.

They clearly break several newtonian laws so whose to say what other laws they can break?

WE cant there from here, It appears they THEY can. Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman used to laugh at the "you cant get there" position.
What? No Newtonian laws have ever been observed to be broken when they were applied to an appropriate reference frame (i.e. not a quantum mechanical reference frame). The physical laws of the universe may not be 100% understood but we do understand most of them very well and they are the same everywhere in the universe. It's not a zero possibility but I'd say it's a very slim possibility that any intelligent life has overcome the distance/speed problem.
Well there's lots of physics we don't know about. Dark energy, dark matter, gravity, a grand unified theory, etc.

While speed is a problem, it doesn't have to be a limiting factor. In theory while the universe is about 13.8 billion years old, you could have had a civilization from millions or a billion years or two ago slowly spread out across the galaxy at sublight speeds. You basically need to be long lived enough to sit around for a few million years while your ships move at sublight speeds. We are about 30,000 light years from the galactic center so if you did 10% light speed, it would take you 300,000 to reach the galactic center and breakthrough starshot has probes going at up to 20% light speed, but you don't stop once you get there.
We understand gravity at that macroscopic level perfectly well and while the unified theory of quantum gravity has alluded us up to this point not knowing everything is not the same as not knowing anything. We under most of physics and we know we know this because we can both predict and explain most of what happens around us using the physics we know. There are a FEW missing pieces but the standard model is the most successful theory ever in the history of science because it explains and predicts just about every observable phenomenon around us with great precision and accuracy. We really DO understand how the vast majority of things in our universe work.
What? No Newtonian laws have ever been observed to be broken when they were applied to an appropriate reference frame (i.e. not a quantum mechanical reference frame). The physical laws of the universe may not be 100% understood but we do understand most of them very well and they are the same everywhere in the universe. It's not a zero possibility but I'd say it's a very slim possibility that any intelligent life has overcome the distance/speed problem.

How would you categorize the measurements that came from the crew of the Princeton?
I've seen UFO/UAP twice in my life. Once when I was in the CG and told to shut up about it and once last summer while at my beach house in NC. I don't claim to know what these phenomenon were but they weren't just nothing.

Reasonable facsimile to my observations

Heres a snippet.
Pretty astonishing considering no visible form of propulsion or heat signature.
This would appear to directly violate the 3rd law.

Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 11.05.10 AM.jpg
How would you categorize the measurements that came from the crew of the Princeton?
You are going to have to be more specific - my "Princeton crew" was Richard Feynman and John Wheeler and they made lots of measurements.
Heres one article with answer to lots of questions posed already like "where can you if you can do what we've observed- and how long will it take for the occupants of the ship and on earth.
What have we observed and or measured.

Heres a snippet.
Pretty astonishing considering no visible form of propulsion or heat signature.
This would appear to directly violate the 3rd law.

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Please post the entire article but I can already tell you that you can't "break" the laws of physics. If you "break" them then they're broken and not valid and you're just wrong about the physics. There are no examples in the universe, natural or otherwise, where physics behave one way here and another way there. Even in the most extreme natural events like black holes and neutron stars.
Please post the entire article but I can already tell you that you can't "break" the laws of physics. If you "break" them then they're broken and not valid and you're just wrong about the physics. There are no examples in the universe, natural or otherwise, where physics behave one way here and another way there. Even in the most extreme natural events like black holes and neutron stars.
This is from the History channel about the Navy ship Princeton and Nimitz. Let's see, one they figured dropped 30 times the speed of sound, one was 70 knots under water, one was 60 miles in a minute, some 3,600 mph.

How would you categorize the measurements that came from the crew of the Princeton?
It's an interesting anomaly. You can have theories about it, but the scientific method is about repeatable, reproducible results.

Otherwise it's all just theory without any hard data to back any of it up.
This is from the History channel about the Navy ship Princeton and Nimitz.
I wish they would change the name from the History channel to the UFO channel. Basically the equivalent of clickbait. Still waiting for them to roll out the bodies and the actual aircraft, so far all smoke and mirrors.
Interesting topic and opinions. Reminds me of a C-5 flight back to the PI after coming home for a 30 day leave. While over the Pacific, the captain sent a crew member back to see if anyone wanted to come up to the cockpit for a few minutes. I took my 3 yo son up with me and was truly impressed at the view out the front. I was crouched down and just behind the captain and co-pilot when I asked him if he ever saw anything up here that he couldn’t explain. He and his co-pilot exchanged a look at one another before looking forward again answering with one word, “Yep”. It was the look they gave each other that I remember the most. I had the feeling that was the end of that discussion so I didn’t pursue it further.
I wish they would change the name from the History channel to the UFO channel. Basically the equivalent of clickbait. Still waiting for them to roll out the bodies and the actual aircraft, so far all smoke and mirrors.
Actually I agree with you on some of it but it's not the channel that's important, it's the source, our Navy, the best of the best. And now where in that article or show did they mention bodies other than the fact a human could not take that kind of G force, unless your are talking about other shows and yes no bodies yet ;)
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