Soup Weather!

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Aug 11, 2011
For years I've used Mrs Grass " Home style" chicken noodle soup mix. It's a division of Wyler soup company. I can no longer find it locally so I order it from Amazon. $8 shipped, with Prime. I add a pound of cooked chicken, carrots, peas, a cup of egg noodles, etc along with 10 cups of the broth from the cooked chicken. It's the best soup I have ever eaten, and I'm not a big soup kinda guy. Along with some home made corn bread I typically hurt myself gorging on the soup goodness! The beef version is very good also with a pound of cooked beef stew meat. This recipe makes a gallon of soup so there's plenty to go around. Not 100% home made, but it sure tastes like it. Post your soup recipes if you're so inclined.
A few minutes ago I finished up vacuum sealing the last of a batch of Ham & Navy Bean Soup I started yesterday. Made about 4.5 gallons worth. Took me about 10 hours just for the stock nd about 4 more for the soup.
Originally Posted by Inked
A few minutes ago I finished up vacuum sealing the last of a batch of Ham & Navy Bean Soup I started yesterday. Made about 4.5 gallons worth. Took me about 10 hours just for the stock nd about 4 more for the soup.
Let's eat inked. Doesn't get much better than that.Maybe hot cornbread to go with it. It's the little things that make life pleasant.
My favorite is a good Oregon style clam chowder with some bacon and a pat of butter on top. That will warm anyone in chilly weather.
Already made 2 batches of chili, and one batch of vegetable steak soup. Each batch is 5 quarts.

I need a bigger pot... I'd like to be closer to 2 gallons per batch.
Time for a big pot of chili with jalapeno corn bread.
In Texas, I believe that any time is "chili weather." That's been my rule. And, that being said, it IS time for some chili.
Originally Posted by DBMaster
In Texas, I believe that any time is "chili weather." That's been my rule. And, that being said, it IS time for some chili.

You are correct.
Originally Posted by PimTac
My favorite is a good Oregon style clam chowder with some bacon and a pat of butter on top. That will warm anyone in chilly weather.

New England clam chowdah is made with milk and salt pork.. Manhattan uses tomatoes. What Oregon style got in it? Gooeyducks? (sic) Those big razor clams?
Just up the road we have a commercial mushroom farm. They sell to the public, flats of different kinds of mushrooms(crimini & portabella) for $10 a 5# flat. Cream of mushroom soup is one of my favorites & make several gallons a time. Now, nothing like New Mexico chilli with local beans and Hatch green chilli, for the really cold days.
Originally Posted by andyd
Originally Posted by PimTac
My favorite is a good Oregon style clam chowder with some bacon and a pat of butter on top. That will warm anyone in chilly weather.

New England clam chowdah is made with milk and salt pork.. Manhattan uses tomatoes. What Oregon style got in it? Gooeyducks? (sic) Those big razor clams?

I think they are pretty much the same. If you are on the Oregon Coast and order Boston or New England clam chowder, you might get the evil eye from everyone around. Same if you did the same thing back east.

Your posts about soup and corm muffins were so similar to my recent experience that I had to create an account so I could come down to the virtual garage and chew the fat with the guys about "real man" issues... like cooking... and feelings :)

It just so happened that I offered my "BH" (better half) to cook dinner for the family --- black bean soup and corn muffins. Ah, but if that were all there was to it. Well, I'll share the conversations so you can all nod your heads.

-- start of "transcript" ---

Me: Hey Honey, how about I make supper for you. I'd like that black bean soup with jalpeno (aside: great recipe at and some corn-muffin waffles (another aside: yes you can put corm muffin batter into the waffle iron. And eat 'em with honey)

BH: Sure, but if I were making it I'd want to put in more vegetables, and you know I don't really like tomato-y soup

Me: Okay, so then you make it.

BH: No, no, go ahead, whatever.

... Later ..

Me: Hi Hon, did you like the corn waffles?

BH: Is this the same recipe you made last time, it didn't taste like corn muffins?

Me: I don't remember what I did last time, but this is the recipe in your notebook. Did you like them?

BH: Oh, I don't use that recipe any more. It tasted more like corn bread last time.

Me: Okay, but did you like them?

BH: I had two.

Me: But did you like them?

BH: I said I had two.

Me: How 'bout the soup?

BH: You know I could tell you used canned mushrooms. (aside: busted...)

Me: Oh sorry, I forgot that you don't like them. But I put in corn like you asked (actually, that turned out good). Did you like it?

BH: The mushrooms are too chewy, you know I don't like them.

Me: But how 'bout the soup,

BH: I had twp bowlsful (yes, that's a word)

Me: Did you like it?

BH: I told you already.

--- end of "transcript" ---

By the way, we're married 37 years. I guess "love is never having to say thank you" :)

Nice to meet all y'all,
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