Some good Dexcool articles

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Feb 2, 2004
First I have heard of it... I have let my Dad read them. He is a mechanic of over 35 years and worked for Chrysler for 20 and never seen it. He heard stories but never seen it. Now I know why... It seems only to effect the V6's and he hasn't really serviced any GM vehicles other than 4 Cylinders. He has serviced everything else under the sun...

Thanks for the info!
Check out the articles again. Not only the V6s, but the Vortec 5.7 has problems with Dexcool and the intake manifold gaskets.

I've had to change them out at about 66k miles in my truck, and I've just inherited an Olds with the 3.4 that leaves a slime trail like a snail. Looking at the other day, I've concluded it's another intake manifold gasket ruined by Dexcool.

What really bothers me is I used factory replacement gaskets on the truck, and will probably have to do it again. At least from reading the articles, I now know to use Fel Pro replacement gaskets.

I've bought about 10 GMs in the last 10 years. I think I've bought my last one.
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So was I. This is a major problem, and GM refuses to step up to the plate. I would expect this from my experience with other manufacturers, but certainly not from GM. This problem is so well documented, they can't deny the problem with a straight face anymore.
Originally Posted By: ArrestMeRedZ
So was I. This is a major problem, and GM refuses to step up to the plate. I would expect this from my experience with other manufacturers, but certainly not from GM. This problem is so well documented, they can't deny the problem with a straight face anymore.

Didn't GM have an reimbursement program of some kind for the intake gasket program?

Yes, here it is.....but, it's too late to apply now:
GM has never had a reimbursement program, to my knowledge.

Settling a class action lawsuit where the lawyers get the majority of the funds, and 10% of the people affected by this problem get reimbursed for less than 40% of their out of pocket costs (providing they saved the recipts) isn't exactly what I consider stepping up to the plate.
Then they wonder why they're in the mess they're in... Just sayin'
It's rare then... My dad and I have seen many cars come through his shop and on the side while he was still doing it full time as a mechanic and it was always the American cars that were troublesome... The Japanese cars kept on going and going with little to no repairs... In the most recent years American cars have gotten better from what I have seen but the Japanese still have an advantage IMO. Brother worked for Toyota too so I have heard the stories...

Not saying that my Korean made car or Japanese cars are the "Be all & End all" but they certainly have left a better car for the money (IMO) in my hands and not only do I have the experiences to prove it so does my family, my extended family, friends and members of this board and other general members of the public. This stuff doesn't just come out of the air one day...

You know what really bugs me, and I'm not saying it's you... But what bugs me is the people that say "Well I have never had a problem" or "That's not true" and then you find out they lease their vehicles or only keep them for 100,000 Miles or less. Well of course you haven't had too many if no problems... The car is just broken in at that point IMO. I keep my cars to the 240,000 Miles Minimum mark and to me that says a lot about a car!
Originally Posted By: StevieC
But what bugs me is the people that say "Well I have never had a problem" or "That's not true" and then you find out they lease their vehicles or only keep them for 100,000 Miles or less.

Sounds like most of the pro-Dexcool comments around here.
this dex cool issue that gm is having is a lot like the oil sludge issue that chrystler is having with the 4.7 SOHC 5.2 OHV and 5.9 OHV engines.
Originally Posted By: ArrestMeRedZ
So was I. This is a major problem, and GM refuses to step up to the plate. I would expect this from my experience with other manufacturers, but certainly not from GM. This problem is so well documented, they can't deny the problem with a straight face anymore.
They did give in after a class action suit, and because my wife's Buick had 90k miles we would have gotten....drum roll please....50 bucks. Ooohh, big hairy aas deal. Bye-bye GM.

Originally Posted By: StevieC
It's rare then... My dad and I have seen many cars come through his shop and on the side while he was still doing it full time as a mechanic and it was always the American cars that were troublesome... The Japanese cars kept on going and going with little to no repairs... In the most recent years American cars have gotten better from what I have seen but the Japanese still have an advantage IMO. Brother worked for Toyota too so I have heard the stories...

Not saying that my Korean made car or Japanese cars are the "Be all & End all" but they certainly have left a better car for the money (IMO) in my hands and not only do I have the experiences to prove it so does my family, my extended family, friends and members of this board and other general members of the public. This stuff doesn't just come out of the air one day...

Go to Car Complaints and see how "reliable" Japanese cars really are. One of the worst cars on the road is the Honda Civic. Their trannys grenade with surprising regularity. Toyota recalled more cars than they built in 2007. Yeah.... Japanese superiority. Here is the link that most of you won't read because it goes against your preconcieved notions. GM's don't have any more problems than most other cars AFTER you get the Dexcool out and replace it with G-05.
I will read that link, as I'm not above learning something new or changing my views based on actual information. If you noticed in all my posts on BITOG they have all been based on first hand experiences with the brands... I never said that my opinions were right only that it was my opinion. Every car company has it's problems but IMO the BIG-3 have more than the "Foreign" brands, from what I have seen.

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