Second incident at MIA in past seven days like this- I am seeing this regularly


$100 Site Donor 2024
Nov 28, 2014
Steilacoom, WA
Can't help but suggest to avoid flying in some cases from major airports. I fly 8-12 segments weekly, and this video does not surprise me. I see this and like craziness both in the terminal an on the planes. Most aren't nearly as violent or long as this.

Starting to think airline employees at major hubs should be entitled to "hazard duty pay" above what like airline employees make at regional airports. Can't imagine the additional workload this puts on pilots and flight attendants.... wow.

People think theyare entitled to do anything or wear anything they want. A private company can dictate whatever rules they want as long as they dont discriminate. Think of no shoes no shirt no service or not smoking etc These morons need to be put on the no fly list permanently and face severe criminal penalties like real jail time.
People think theyare entitled to do anything or wear anything they want. A private company can dictate whatever rules they want as long as they dont discriminate. Think of no shoes no shirt no service or not smoking etc These morons need to be put on the no fly list permanently and face severe criminal penalties like real jail time.
So misunderstood! Rules or "discrimination" in a loose sense are perfectly legal so long as it's not directed at one of the protected classes. I've had people in my business tell me they don't have to leave because they're in a "public space" and I've had people claim discrimination for certain requirements that have nothing to do with any of the protected classes. In the end, most people are idiots.
People think theyare entitled to do anything or wear anything they want. A private company can dictate whatever rules they want as long as they dont discriminate. Think of no shoes no shirt no service or not smoking etc These morons need to be put on the no fly list permanently and face severe criminal penalties like real jail time.

So misunderstood! Rules or "discrimination" in a loose sense are perfectly legal so long as it's not directed at one of the protected classes. I've had people in my business tell me they don't have to leave because they're in a "public space" and I've had people claim discrimination for certain requirements that have nothing to do with any of the protected classes. In the end, most people are idiots.
My point exacty, you as a business owner can tell people to put shoes on, not bring in their pet, put on a masks etc.
Those passengers had to acknowledge and agree to current TSA and AAL policies both when they bought the tickets and again when they checked in.

How you feel about those policies is irrelevant, because you agreed to them as part of your ticket purchase. If you objected, you could have chosen not to buy it.

Pretty simple: If you don’t honor the agreement into which you entered, then, you don’t get to fly.

My crew had to explain this to a few folks boarding in FLL this afternoon. Your state’s rule change doesn’t apply on my airplane. Simple choice: follow the policy, or get off.

The author makes a point that I’ve seen, too. All passengers are Spirit Airlines passengers now (a comment on fare paid, and behavior).

I can’t wait for the return of business travelers. Folks who know the ropes, and generally don’t cause problems.
Those passengers had to acknowledge and agree to current TSA and AAL policies both when they bought the tickets and again when they checked in.

How you feel about those policies is irrelevant, because you agreed to them as part of your ticket purchase. If you objected, you could have chosen not to buy it.

Pretty simple: If you don’t honor the agreement into which you entered, then, you don’t get to fly.
Not only that, there's a pretty decent chance that they won't be able to fly AAL again.

Most people are naturally fairly selfish, so it was only a matter of time before someone had a freak out on an airplane or in an airport. Frankly, I'm surprised we don't hear more about stuff like this occurring. I'm just surprised security didn't show up during that clip.
It is an achievement of how ignorant people are.
They immediately start talking constitution and they have not seen one on TV, let alone read it. Basic rule: it is a two-way street!
Can't help but suggest to avoid flying in some cases from major airports. I fly 8-12 segments weekly, and this video does not surprise me. I see this and like craziness both in the terminal an on the planes. Most aren't nearly as violent or long as this.

Starting to think airline employees at major hubs should be entitled to "hazard duty pay" above what like airline employees make at regional airports. Can't imagine the additional workload this puts on pilots and flight attendants.... wow.
It's not a very good fight though, just a lot of pushing and shoving and slapping, don't see any good right hooks, round house kicks or fight ending moves. Just as well as I suppose, some of those moves could easily kill.

I still laugh at this mask slapping, wish it was real and you could do that here.

If they can’t manage that … best not fly Lufthansa where the flight attendants can’t wait to jump a passenger in a half full business class cabin for not getting that mask back on quick enough between sips or bites.
(all passengers submitted PCR test pre flight … I’m fully vaccinated) …

On a previous flight … my colleagues had a round and round about KN95 -vs- CE approved masks … and there were endless (face to face) debates in the cabin about passengers not having an approved mask.
Now, they accept the medical mask …
On a previous flight … my colleagues had a round and round about KN95 -vs- CE approved masks … and there were endless (face to face) debates in the cabin about passengers not having an approved mask.
Now, they accept the medical mask …
What's a CE approved mask? I thought the only thing that mattered was FDA approval and N95's or maybe some ASTM level 3 masks. Or the headband vs earloops.
What's a CE approved mask? I thought the only thing that mattered was FDA approval and N95's or maybe some ASTM level 3 masks. Or the headband vs earloops.
CE the euro harmonizing agency … they have stamped the FFP2 mask and I was told LH looked for those two markings on the mask … so, I ordered a pack of these pre flight but then they accepted the medical mask …
What's a CE approved mask? I thought the only thing that mattered was FDA approval and N95's or maybe some ASTM level 3 masks. Or the headband vs earloops.

CE is a European safety standard, although I'm not sure if you're asking what it is or how it would apply to a face mask. I've seen the mark on some electronics, but it exists for a lot of different products. This says that the CE mark means meeting the EN 14683 standard.

A surgical face mask, which is worn by clinical staff and is intended to stop them from transmitting an infection to their patients, is a class 1 medical device. There is a standard for them (EN 14683) which is harmonised under the Medical Devices Directive and for practical purposes following that standard is the only sensible way to conform to the CE marking requirements.​

This document specifies construction, design, performance requirements and test methods for medical face masks intended to limit the transmission of infective agents from staff to patients during surgical procedures and other medical settings with similar requirements. A medical face mask with an appropriate microbial barrier can also be effective in reducing the emission of infective agents from the nose and mouth of an asymptomatic carrier or a patient with clinical symptoms. This European Standard is not applicable to masks intended exclusively for the personal protection of staff. NOTE 1 Standards for masks for use as respiratory personal protective equipment are available. NOTE 2 Annex A provides information for the users of medical face masks.​

There's N95 or even higher standards. From China there's KN95, which is similar to N95 although the requirements are different. I supposed it's possible to meet both KN95 and N95. The only thing I've seen on some actual medical masks is that they have ATSM levels for fluid protection. Most of the masks I can find are medical style using similar materials, but they almost always say they're not meant for medical use.