Retrieving Old Data -360kb Floppy

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Dec 28, 2006
I have a 360/1.2 drive and a stack of floppies - no idea what exactly is on them, but I would like to find out. Does anyone make an adapter of some sort? If not, what are my options?
Might not even be readable at this point. The magnetic media in those is nowhere near as durable as hard disk magnetic media.

Also the old drives tend to quit working from disuse. I needed a 3.5" drive for an old computer I cobbled together a few years ago. I went through 6 machines in my computer bone yard before I found one with a working floppy drive and even that was spotty on its reliablity and these were from computers circa late 99 to early 2000s when floppies were being phased out and nobody used them anymore so it wasn't wear and tear that killed those drives.
Yes, it's the 5 1/4 floppy. I no longer have a MB with floppy connector.

Maybe I can find someone that has a machine a 3 1/2 that is still working and swap drives out. I prolly still have some of the cables somewhere in a box.

I am just curious to see what is on my floppies - about the only thing I know for sure is tax data in Quatro and a bunch of docs in Word Perfect.

Now that I think about it, maybe I can find an older box and install DOS for the heck of it.
They also make a card edge to standard floppy adapter that goes on the back of the existing drive so you can use a standard floppy cable. We have some in a back room at work for some reason.
There are still motherboards being made with floppy connectors. Even if the machine doesn't have a floppy drive, it could still have a floppy connector inside.
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