Pharmaceutical Phunnies


Staff member
Jun 5, 2002
Iowegia - USA
Ok, this year's submittals came from the Sicko's hiding out in the Chem 451 Advanced Organic Lab, the Chem 452 Biochemical Lab, and the 523 BioPhysics Lab. I disavow any knowledge of these people, their names, or addresses. This was shoved (anonymously) underneath my door last night. Please Note: We are NOT making fun of those who need the proper medications.

MaVorikk – One tablet and you will want to buzz the Tower all day, err, you WILL be buzzed all day.

Picaradin – A Repellent that keeps flies, gnats, mosquitoes, and Beach Bunnies off you for 12 hours.

TipeinurOil – Castor Oil flavored with Propylsalicylate (mint) Esters; Your innards and your bathroom will love it.

Olimpic – Loose weight before the trials.

Celebrate – Relieves muscle and joint pain after a difficult morning watering the lawn.

Osteo-Pentaflex – Build up your Penta-Flexes in less than one week.

CuteCo10000 – Derived from the mussels off the coast of Sweden; great for joint pain and for chasing Blondes.

Vraylir – You don't really need this to go to sleep; just turn off the TV dummy.

Raxulti – Keep watching THIS commercial and you WILL become depressed.

YouFixIt, OtellzMe, and SkysTheLimit - Take one of these (dubimalibalablab) pills daily and sing along with Cyndi Lauper and the Driving instructor as they trade stories about their skin conditions.

FergetDeezeClaimers– One of these will allow you to ignore the disclaimers and contraindications for various drugs. After all, you could be allergic to it, you may die, turn into a Zombie, or just walk way into the woods and never be found. [Contraindications- Anything (including a symptom or medical condition) that is a reason for a person to not receive a particular treatment or procedure because it may be harmful]. Of course, you won't know if you are allergic until after the assessment in the ER.

AmKnotAngree– Ask your doctor if you can use this for anger management after watching the late night drug commercial interruptions.