Pennzoil Time Release?

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May 27, 2002
What can our expert chemists tell us about this?
I was talking to a blender today that says there are additives that can be in emulsion until heated where they release.
Could there be any advantange in hiding them until the engine gets hot enough? why? If you go out and race the first day, do they all release at once?
Or is this just another marketing gimick?
widman, I assumed when I first heard this term on their radio ad that it was merely moly.

The "time-release" they talk about is the moly coming out of suspension and plating up ... "uptake."

--- Bror Jace
This sounds like bovine ka-kuh (sp?) to me.

Either this oil has the mondo additive package of all time, {a portion of which will be released at some point in the future} or the "time release" probably occurs when you pour it into the block and it hits operating temp.

If it has the mega additive package it would be really expensive. If it isn't very pricy then you are effectively getting a weaker addpack because it is being portioned out over time.

I'm sure you can wrap an additive in a polymer or wax layer but why?

I vote for immediate gratification, gimmie all the good stuff right now!


Originally posted by Bror Jace:
widman, I assumed when I first heard this term on their radio ad that it was merely moly.

The "time-release" they talk about is the moly coming out of suspension and plating up ... "uptake."

--- Bror Jace

I donno about their stuff but there are additives
that help Boost the oils TBN at certain levels.
I don't know what they are, but there suppose to mainly kick in I think either in Extended oil drain or when the oil has taken a hit too many times by combustion acids... again usually in extended drains I believe.
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