Odd Little Things We Do.

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Originally Posted By: 440Magnum
Originally Posted By: Nate1979
Originally Posted By: 440Magnum
Originally Posted By: dnewton3
I visit BITOG daily, even though I know most of you will never change ...


That, and the TP has to feed off the roll over the top or I WILL flip it around (sometimes even in public restrooms at my office...).

Other than that, I'm perfectly normal. :p

TP is supposed to feed off the top.... that's normal right???

Of course its normal... but look who you're asking. My wife just grabs the roll and puts it on, but I SWEAR she does far worse than 50/50 at getting it the right way... :p

my long lost twin brothers, where have you been?
Originally Posted By: yeti
don't laugh, guys. I've been in homes in which arguments started over the tp over-under thing. almost as stupid is an argument over the toilet seat up or down "issue".I've seen that, as well.(close both seat and lid, and nobody complains, and nothing can fall inside).problem solved.
interesting thread.

toilet seat problem.... especially dirty ones... if you can shoot something the size of an 13" tire, how you're expected to shoot.. (i'll stop here)
Originally Posted By: Kira
Hello, I collect jars. I use 'em for food storage.
I prefer not to buy foil or plastic wrap if I can avoid it.
I also give food away frequently so I do use my jars up.

Ever give someone spaghetti/meat sauce in a screw top Mason jar and ask for the jar back?
You will see the the most STUPID, STUPID, STUPID expressions when you do.
The younger the person, the STUPIDER the expression.

God help this country. "We're" all so pretty and compartmentalized.

My jar thing isn't OCD, it's resource management. Kira

my mom lost lots of god jars and pots like that witrh my step brothers....
Originally Posted By: Bumble_guy
Shmoe I know how you feel me and wife are same way, but she is a good cook

No WAY!!!!! SO IS MINE!!! So, I just let it slide....lot to be said about a happy belly!!!!
I'm really picky about my 06 Accord. I don't let anybody eat in it, shoes must be dry and pick up all your stuff when you leave or I throw it away. I also let that car warm up for 3 minutes at least and regardless of the weather.
Originally Posted By: SumpChump
Oh, and I cant stand it when someone gets in my car and slams the door like it is some kind of armored Humvee.

YES - DON'T SLAM the door, sheesh! (forgot about that one)
Originally Posted By: andrewg
And some of you thought I WAS WEIRD for being disgusted when eating in a restaurant around clowns wearing flip-flops!!!

I still do... Wait, there were CLOWNS wearing flip-flops? OK, I couldn't handle that either.
Yes, the TP thing, and the slamming of the car door thing

Originally Posted By: IndyIan
Originally Posted By: eljefino
I once "plowed" a shopping cart sideways with the front bumper of my car. Am sure I flat spotted its little wheels.
Hey it was in my space!

I like to push a cart out of the way with the car too, seems fun to do when most people live in terror of a run away cart... I'll only be worried about one when it gets stuck underneath and might damage something important!
Yes! I miss having a car I didn't car about its appearance that I can push carts along with. There was one of those construction fold up barriers in the grocery store parking lot in the way laying down and everybody was going so slow trying to maneuver around it. I passed them and ran it over with my truck and it made a leg get stuck underneath and I drug it about 150 feet and parked lol. Made an awful noise too.
Yeah, I think we may all be a bit OCD here.


1. Light switches. I have to confirm they are off. If they don't "feel" right. I turn them on and off again. This may happen several times.

2. Bullets. They all have to sit right in the case. Or on the desk. They have to be in perfect rows.

3. Gas caps. They have to click three times. If it is one that doesn't continue to click, I click it three times.

4. Oil fill caps. Have to be perfectly located. And clicked. Too many click is OK. Not aligned properly is not.

5. When installing screws in a light switch, they have to be symmetrical.

But I can have other stuff in a state of complete chaos/mess and it doesn't bother me
Originally Posted By: OVERKILL
5. When installing screws in a light switch, they have to be symmetrical.

Now, why did you have to say that!? I had just about let go of this particular peeve. Now, I want my screw slots lined up again!
Originally Posted By: Turk
When going into a Target/Walmart/Sams/Menards/Grocery stores, I look at the cart wheels
and pick a cart that the wheels are worn less so there's less of a chance
I don't have to go down the aisles listening to a "Bang-Bang-Bang" per wheel revolution.

I do this, too, especially at the Wal Mart closest to my house. Their carts seem to take a lot of abuse and it is very annoying traversing that huge place having all that bang-bang-bang going on.
I see four leafed clovers.

Be walking down a path, and double back to get a four leaf clover.

It's distracted my peripheral vision because it's "different", and needs to be investigated.

Has come in handy as an engineer finding needles in haystacks for want of a better word.
I am so glad I'm here. I feel better already.

I do the dish rotation thing. I always put the clean dishes from the dishwasher on the bottom of the pile. I also rotate glassware, silverware, socks, and underwear.

I, too, hate it when passengers slam my doors.

T.P. can only dispense over the top, never under!

I gave up using paper napkins, but I do use a single short piece of select-a-size paper towel. It must be folded neatly in thirds with the patterned side out. I don't like printed paper towels so I'm talking about the embossed pattern.

My toothpaste, and any other tubes, must be neatly flattened, rolled, and clipped in place for maximum neatness.

Clothes in the closet need to be grouped by type; long sleeve shirts with collars, LS without, short sleeve with collars, SS without.

I check the air pressure in my tires every two weeks; not weekly, not monthly, but every other week. This one may not sound odd to any of you.

I use daily shower spray. It is one of those few products that performs as advertised (Clean Shower brand). I haven't had to clean my shower stall in ten years and it's beautiful. BUT, I only spray it on alternating days. It doesn't need to be done daily.

I've said before that BITOG is the haven for compulsiveness. What do you think?
Originally Posted By: 440Magnum

That, and the TP has to feed off the roll over the top

Yes, the TP MUST roll off the top!
Originally Posted By: OVERKILL
Yeah, I think we may all be a bit OCD here.


1. Light switches. I have to confirm they are off. If they don't "feel" right. I turn them on and off again. This may happen several times.

2. Bullets. They all have to sit right in the case. Or on the desk. They have to be in perfect rows.

3. Gas caps. They have to click three times. If it is one that doesn't continue to click, I click it three times.

4. Oil fill caps. Have to be perfectly located. And clicked. Too many click is OK. Not aligned properly is not.

5. When installing screws in a light switch, they have to be symmetrical.

But I can have other stuff in a state of complete chaos/mess and it doesn't bother me

Yep, I'm pretty much the same way.

Those light switch screws MUST have the slots aimed in the same direction within a few degrees!

But then, other things are a mess too.
Originally Posted By: OVERKILL

4. Oil fill caps. Have to be perfectly located. And clicked. Too many click is OK. Not aligned properly is not.

This one applies to me as well. The caps on my truck must be oriented right. The text/picture cannot be upside down. This applies to oil, gas, coolant, brake, everything.
Originally Posted By: SumpChump
Oh, and I cant stand it when someone gets in my car and slams the door like it is some kind of armored Humvee.

What really [censored] me off,is when someone closes the car door with the window (grabbing the window pane and pushing the door closed instead of pushing on the door itself).
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