Not Ohio!

Oct 17, 2010
SW Florida
My North Carolina Hillbilly roots are showing,
The Wrights were the first to convince Wall Street that it was possible for a heavier than air machine to fly, by actually building and flying one publicly. This opened the floodgates of a huge amount of money to aircraft R&D. Many companies soon built better airplanes, while the Wright Brothers did not become significant players in the industry.
I live in Ohio (not from here though, thank God) and I always found it interesting how Ohio tries to act like they invented airplanes and try to claim the Wright Brothers.
Ohio doesn't need to try to claim anything. The Wrights were residents of Dayton, OH, which in the early twentieth century was a tech hub. The Wright Flyer was made in Dayton and transported to the dunes of the Outer Banks for flight testing. The Wrights failed to adapt to technical developments in aircraft design so soon lost their lead.
The pace of technical development was rapid and only thirty years after the Wrights' first short flight there was an all metal twin engine airliner in passenger service and just twenty years after that the first turbojet airliner entered service.
The Wrights were the first to convince Wall Street that it was possible for a heavier than air machine to fly, by actually building and flying one publicly. This opened the floodgates of a huge amount of money to aircraft R&D. Many companies soon built better airplanes, while the Wright Brothers did not become significant players in the industry.

Ask a Brazilian who was the first to fly a heavier than air craft. Thatll get interesting since they claim the Wright Brothers were full of it.