New - smoke detectors for house.

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For some reason, my house had wired detectors--but not in the basement. ???

When I went to replace mine last summer I decided to skip the hardwired ones and just go with 7 year photo/CO units, they seemed "best" at Home Depot. Within six months two had quit--they would nuisance alarm at 3am but would not respond to me hitting the silence button. And at 3am I just wanted the darn thing off. Turns out there is a kill switch on them, but using that kills the unit altogether. $100 wasted...

So now I have a cheapie $10 ionization unit for my bedroom that goes off when the stove is set to 450F. [I usually move it to another room.] Eventually I'll get back to wired units; I think they will be just smoke with CO on separate units.
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