Neck tattoos

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Staff member
Dec 14, 2002
New Jersey
Maybe someone here has the need to put the name of their kid or babymomma/daddy on their neck. If so, I'm sorry if this offends you, but frankly, I find it gross. I'm not one for needles, and from that angle, I'd never get a tattoo at all. But beyond that, other than in very limited situations, I find them in bad taste. But what is one's choice is their choice. I don't really see fine art in something that will stretch and fade, but whatever.

But what really grosses me out is the neck/ear area tattoos. I guess people want hiding to not be an option, and so want to put them in a very visible spot? I just dont get it. I'd never want someone putting needles in such a spot on my body, and it really grosses me out.

There probably is some clause in some law causing this to be discrimination, but frankly I'd not want to hire someone marked up that way. Not only do I personally think it in poor taste, but I think many people find it a sign of lack of maturity/professionalism, and may not want to use that person's services or pay the parent business as a result. The individual may be extremely smart, talented, etc., but generally you see this on the workers at the local quizzno's, not on the banker/doctor/rocket scientist.

What's your opinion?
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
Maybe someone here has the need to put the name of their kid or babymomma/daddy on their neck. If so, I'm sorry if this offends you, but frankly, I find it gross. I'm not one for needles, and from that angle, I'd never get a tattoo at all. But beyond that, other than in very limited situations, I find them in bad taste. But what is one's choice is their choice. I don't really see fine art in something that will stretch and fade, but whatever.

But what really grosses me out is the neck/ear area tattoos. I guess people want hiding to not be an option, and so want to put them in a very visible spot? I just dont get it. I'd never want someone putting needles in such a spot on my body, and it really grosses me out.

There probably is some clause in some law causing this to be discrimination, but frankly I'd not want to hire someone marked up that way. Not only do I personally think it in poor taste, but I think many people find it a sign of lack of maturity/professionalism, and may not want to use that person's services or pay the parent business as a result. The individual may be extremely smart, talented, etc., but generally you see this on the workers at the local quizzno's, not on the banker/doctor/rocket scientist.

What's your opinion?

I read the title of this thread, then the author, and said to myself: I didn't think he seemed like that kind of guy to get a neck tattoo. Now your post makes sense.
Originally Posted By: ryansride2017
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
Maybe someone here has the need to put the name of their kid or babymomma/daddy on their neck. If so, I'm sorry if this offends you, but frankly, I find it gross. I'm not one for needles, and from that angle, I'd never get a tattoo at all. But beyond that, other than in very limited situations, I find them in bad taste. But what is one's choice is their choice. I don't really see fine art in something that will stretch and fade, but whatever.

But what really grosses me out is the neck/ear area tattoos. I guess people want hiding to not be an option, and so want to put them in a very visible spot? I just dont get it. I'd never want someone putting needles in such a spot on my body, and it really grosses me out.

There probably is some clause in some law causing this to be discrimination, but frankly I'd not want to hire someone marked up that way. Not only do I personally think it in poor taste, but I think many people find it a sign of lack of maturity/professionalism, and may not want to use that person's services or pay the parent business as a result. The individual may be extremely smart, talented, etc., but generally you see this on the workers at the local quizzno's, not on the banker/doctor/rocket scientist.

What's your opinion?

I read the title of this thread, then the author, and said to myself: I didn't think he seemed like that kind of guy to get a neck tattoo. Now your post makes sense.

A bottle of Jim Beam would likely make the idea of a tattoo appealing ....
They're not for me, but neither are a lot of things other people like a lot.

SUVs come to mind, as do Volvos, as does Royal Purple.
my kid brought up wanting a tattoo response...had God wanted markings on you, theyd be there already.....never asked again
My wife has a tattoo on her foot. More of my friends have tattoos than do not. I see no problem with it.

Any more of a response and I'll insult someone.
They are not for me.

I personally find larger/visible ones classless..but that's just me.

Smaller ones that don't call attention to themselves..fine with me.

In the end its a free country. But were I hiring someone; the tat would be a part of what I'm hiring. I'd consider it just like I would consider how the person is dressed/manicured, etc.

In this day and age a tat could make the difference between getting ired or not.
Noticed on Thursday that Yadier Molina the catcher for the St Louis Cardinals acquired a neck tattoo in the off-season. My respect for him went down 50%. When people I know acquire ink, I ask them what that is supposed to tell me about yourself. I never get a answer. It must be like the Harley,Jeep and other lifestyle choices. I don't understand.
Tattoos aren't for me and are a turn off. It seems if you tell someone with tattoos that they usually get offended.
I have 3 of them,none on the neck.All are on my upper arms.
If i could get rid of them i would they are no longer appealing.
On the neck never!
Yeah....not understanding all the tattoo hate on here. Perhaps because I'm of a different generation (I presuppose) at 28 than some of the board.

But to me, unless the tattoo is blatantly offensive in content, I really do not understand how having one makes someone less respectable or whatnot.
Just google "fail tattoo" or ""fail tattoos" etc and click on Google images. I won't put a direct link.

You know what the biggest failures are? Spelling!! Yes it matters with tattoos.

Tattoos are lower caste. Knock yourself out.
I'll jump in here with my 2 cents.

Neck tattoos aren't my thing. On a rocker maybe, otherwise probably not, but life is short we make our own decisions.

I have a few tattoos, on my shoulders and my chest. My wife has a few as well. They're like second nature really, and I couldn't imagine life without them.

That being said they're not for everyone, and that's understandable

The one thing I will say though is a quote I heard once.....

"The only difference between someone with tattoos and someone without, is the one with the tattoos doesn't care that the person without doesn't have any"
I couldn't care less if someone does have tattoos, but I find them personally disgusting.

There's a tribal/biker/prison/negative aspect that they portray (even despite the best intentions of the wearer) and I find that sub culture repulsive. I don't understand why anyone would want to be associated with it in any way shape or form.

I often see girls that would otherwise be very pretty, but they're all covered with tattoos. I can't help but wonder why someone would want to defile their body with something that carries such a negative image.

I'm sure they make a statement, but to a great many of us the statement isn't one that most people would want to make.
My general comment is,
"Why would you permanently put something on your body that you would never hang in your living room if they paid you to??"
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