Job Question

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Aug 30, 2004
Just curious....

What occupations will allow you to reach a six-digit salary within several years of working, and does not require more than a bachelor's degree in college?
Are you talking only salary jobs, or do other types count? I know tradespeople that make six figures with a little OT, and guys in the oilfield that make 6 figures if they work 4 months of the year. Both are achievable with under 5 years experience. Most actual engineering jobs don't even come close for the first 10 years.
Internal Auditer.....LSU's EJ Ourso College of Business holds the best Internal Auditing program in the world. We continue to outscore anyone. My friends are bold enough to do this program and will be working all over the world, making 6 figures, some of which, do not start with a 1. You can hold any business major to do the IA program. I am not going to do it because I am a student intern and am in the LSU Tiger Band and involved in other organizations. I am a Finance Major with a Chinese Minor and I hope to do alot of real estate when I graduate. But if you wanna make big bucks after 4 years of college, Internal Auditing (especially through LSU) is the way to go.
Oh, I should say that choosing a major based upon money is the most stupid thing you will ever do in your life. I'd rather be socially rich (family, friends, happiness) than financially rich.
I'd go with auditing, personally.

As an engineer, in a utility, it takes 14 people, more highly paid than me to audit my actcivities.

I come up with an idea, and have to submit a finincial evaluation, which is checked by a dozen non engineers...all of whom call in to question my technical competency.

I initiate a project...get audited.
specify the project...get audited.
put said project to the market...get audited on my decision as to which company gets it.
implement the project...get audited on completion, at 12 months, and at 48 months after completion.

1 doer, dozens of finger pointers.

Don't do engineering.

('till the pendulum swings back)
Id say to stop dreaming and look for a real job that teaches you how to think in a way that is useful (math, engineering, etc. do this), and will give you a stable income. You wont make 6-digit incomes for 10-15+ years (it does happen sooner or later if you line up the right jobs in R&D, etc), but youll be 100% smarter than most of the schmucks out there who think that theyre "enlightened". There is huge value in being able to maintain a thought process that allows you to analyze, consider and discuss a wide variety of topics.** level engineers are also highly sought after for technical sales... Id like to see someone trained in business or sales sell some of the high tech equipment that we buy

One of the good things that a good engineer froma good program has going for them is that companies of any variety of sorts vie for them in the job market because of the thinking and analysis skills that they hold. I have seen engineers go into investment analysis and law programs with no resistance at all...And an engineerr can always fall back into other tasks like HS science education, etc., when times get tough.

If you want a huge salary with little extra education, youre taking a hit or miss shot, and MOST people who try for this have a horrible life or fail bigtime.


[ March 07, 2006, 08:19 AM: Message edited by: JHZR2 ]
Marry well and your F-I-L will figure out the right job for you that pays well.

Otherwise, self-employment in a field you enjoy might be the ticket. Just remember that building a business has its own unique set of challenges/problems.

Ha ha ha... these kids today...

You can make a six figure salary within five years on many jobs if you are VERY good at what you do. Like if you could do better what would normally take two, three, four normal people to do. Like if you are in the top 0.5 percentile of people in your profession.

Not really very likely if you are not in that group.

As mentioned, crime is a good alternative, if you don't mind the risk.
Real Estate: Commercial RE yeilds higher rips than residential. also flip'n houses can yield $5-50k a pop. It takes $$ to make $$ in RE though.
I know a gal that started a business in the Denver area picking up dog poop..$5.00 for one dog..$2.50 for more then one. Cleaned the yard once a week. She made a little over 100k the first degree needed..lots of fresh air..

Originally posted by Shannow:

I initiate a project...get audited.
specify the project...get audited.
put said project to the market...get audited on my decision as to which company gets it.
implement the project...get audited on completion, at 12 months, and at 48 months after completion.

Yikes. That sounds like a test of the morale.
Michael, your question may be intellectual and not pragmatic but I would go for your passion/interests first and let the dollars follow. A boring, life-draining job will be hades no matter how much money you earn.

And note: "finding out" your career interests is not akin to switching on a light but rather a slow process taking (sometimes) many years.
Hehehehe, Amsoil Dealer Selling to big accounts. Ie the Postal service, Military, Large corporations.

Get the book "The Millionaire Mind" By Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D

That could give some good insite.

Also "48 day's to the work you love" by Dan Miller

Hope this helps.
Become a Yes Man! Prostituting yourself to the powers that be in any organization is a proven formula, so you can really pick any industry. Fawn over them, go golfing, hunting and drinking with them, tell them their every idea is revolutionary. Facilitate their every desire while subjugating any ideas you may have about what is truly right for the company, the other employees, or society as a whole. Exaggerate your skills and accomplishments while you denigrate those of others.

This is cynical, but if you really are about just money it is exactly the path you should pursue. Like others, I am saying this specifically to put your request into perspective.

However, if you want all around happiness and quality of life, take a personality test like the Myers-Briggs (MBTI)which can give guidance to what activities would suit your particular makeup. Then think about what industries/companies work in accordance with your value system. You might also start reading about how visualizing your future makes it come to pass.

Otherwise, you can be making much money, spending much of it on illnesses which are unpleasant and can't be cured, and wondering if there is something you missed and why you are so unhappy. It is just a matter of tradeoffs, what you give vs. what you receive. But you never get something for nothing.

[ March 07, 2006, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: TooManyWheels ]
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