Iso-Heet in my kerosene heater?

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Dec 30, 2008
I stored my Kerosene heater since last winter with a half a tank of fuel. I'm worried there may be a little bit of water settled in the bottom of the fuel tank from condensation Would it be a bad idea to add some Iso-Heet (isopropyl alcohol) to the fuel in an effort to eliminate any water in the tank?

Also is Iso-Heet 100% isopropyl alcohol?
Its a torpedo or "salamander" heater. By turning it upside down to drain it I don't think I could get all of the contents out effectively because of the awkward fuel fill hole and the weight of the unit.
What problems could arise from adding a few ounces of isopropyl alcohol to a full 5 gallon tank of kerosene? Thats why I asked I'm looking for answers. Why would it be a bad idea? I thougt it would be a good idea to add the alcohol to bind to the water molecules and send them through the system to be burnt instead of water just pooling at the bottom of the tank to cause rust.
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