If you use Mobil 1...

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No, it says change oil every 3000 miles!

Heck, that's what Blackstone told me after an awful 5000 mile UOA with M1 T&SUV. Go 3000 next time. I went back to PP.
FWIW I have had good luck with M1, I haven't tried other brands, so it could be that something else would work better. There have been some excellent UOA's with dino (see Bill in Utah). I am not sure I would push a dino to a 7500 or 10K oci, though I saw a Honda UOA at 10K on dino which looked great.


Email Mobil and they will send you at no charge, a very complete decal package. The package includes window service stickers, stickers for under the hood indicating Mobil 1 use, etc.

When you e-mail them what do you ask(say)for??

i'd love to have some.....

i love M1!!!!!!

The short story.

For years Mobil pushed the superiority of Mobil 1, partually based on the use of Group IV base stocks.

Castrol sarted marketing Syntec as full synthetic although it was Group III.

Mobil 1 hauled Castrol before the BBB. Mobil lost and Castrol could advertise that Group III is synthetic.

Mobil continued to push Group IV superiority.

A Gas Chromotagraph test of two Mobil 1 products indicated that they were Group III.

Wildfire at bobistheoilguy.

Communication with Mobil obtained evasive answers.

Wildfire spreads.

Still only two samples with indication of Group III.

Wildfire spreads some more.

Comment: Mobil should be more forthcoming. Many at bobistheoilguy believe the sky is falling and Mobil 1 is now Group III although there is only thin evidence.

Read the volumes of posts over the last few months and figure it out for yourself.

You forgot to add "Profits at XOM soar"......
Free M1 stickers? That's cool, if you want them, but this is not the correct sub-forum for that.

As to the rest, this dead horse has been beaten repeatedly and violently. If something new surfaces, great, let's discuss it, but for now, I'm thinking the best way I can add value to this thread is by imposing lethal injection upon it. . .

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