How to put DVD's on iPad2??

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May 26, 2009
Hill Country TX
Recently got the wife a ipad2. She has been traveling alot and wanted something smaller to carry on planes etc. We have alot of dvd's in our collection and my wife wants to put a movie or two on the ipad to watch on plane flights. I do not see anywhere on how to do this, only how to buy a movie on itunes and transfer it to the ipad. We have a lot of dvd's, and I would hate to have to download a movie from itunes that we already have. Thanks, Tom
DVDFab should be able to accomplish this. DVDFab is "shareware" but I believe the File Converter/Mover only carries a 30 day trial, and then it's like 20-40$.....the plus side, the app is constantly updated to keep up with the newest encryptions, etc...
I have had success with the following method:

1) Use DVD Decrypter to rip the DVD to your computer. This program is free and is able to decode the copy protection on the disc.

2) Use Handbrake (another free download) to merge the files created by DVD Decrypter into a MP4 file. I use MP4s on my Playbook. You'll want to double check which file types are iPad compatible.

3) Transfer to device. In my case, I can drag and drop the file onto my Playbook, but you will probably have to use iTunes for the file transfer.

For the record, I only do this with DVDs I own.
DVD Decrypter and Handbrake and import into itunes' movies tab then sync. I did the similar with downloaded episodes of Lie To Me on a recent trip and it worked perfectly. Encoding takes a LONG time if you don't have a NEW FAST computer though. So if you're in a hurry you're stuck, otherwise just leave it in batch mode and let it go to town.
Thanks for the replies!! I already have dvd decrypter..will have to look into handbrake. Like I mentioned I have plenty of legit dvd's just need to get them on the ipad.
I use "DVD43" for my decrypter, it's pretty seamless in operation. It sits in the systray and decodes any DVD inserted. Then Handbrake.

Some movies have "corrupt" file tables with 30 video files all about the same length. But Handbrake correctly picks the longest one 80+% of the time.
Either try DVDfab or use your dvd decrypter and then handbrake. both work well.

DVDfab is also good at picking up the purposely corrupt file tables on some newer DVD's.
Thanks for all the good advice and tips. I was actually able to fumble my may through it all and put two movies on the ipad. Although the handbrake did take about four hours for each movie!!
Originally Posted By: daddi
Although the handbrake did take about four hours for each movie!!

That's not really a handbrake issue as much as it is your machine. Video re-encoding is very CPU intensive. Unless you have a new powerful quad core CPU, it'll take some time.

Glad you got it working though.
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Originally Posted By: daddi
Although the handbrake did take about four hours for each movie!!

That's not really a handbrake issue as much as it is your machine. Video re-encoding is very CPU intensive. Unless you have a new powerful quad core CPU, it'll take some time.

Glad you got it working though.

It's the truth, I have a Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 and it still encoded at half speed. I am about to start doing this more often and play no games no more so the next computer will be packed with ram and a monster cpu and a basic graphics card.
For common conversion, Handbrake can meet your needs. But if you want to convert DVD to Video with 1080P HD video, you'd better get a professional dvd ripping tool, see this guide how to put dvd on iPad 2 mac step by step, even your DVDs are protected.
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