How do you folks dispose of old electronics?

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Originally Posted by Eddie
I set old TV, Monitors etc on top of my garbage can and when I look in the morning, is has disappeared as if by magic. Ed

I do this also. Anything you don't want, set it out and someone always gets it before the trash gets picked up.
I put an old monitor on the trash once with a "free" sign on it. A week later it remained untouched.

Someone said take off the' free' sign and put' 20$' on it. I did.

It was gone in A few hours.
We have a 5'x5'x5' cardboard box at work that we're allowed to use. Slowly fills up overtime, then it's replaced with a new one!
How do people know stuff in China gets recycled? We call shipping used stuff to China recycling, but it is not. Just another scheme for some to make money on taxpayers dime.

Few years ago Ontario introduced an "environmental fee" on all electronics, I would imagine a lot of other provinces and states have something similar. So where is this "free" part?
The transfer station in town recycles electronics, and so does Best Buy. I usually take stuff to Best Buy as their hours are more convenient. I only recycled one thing at the transfer station - a 27" CRT TV. Best Buy would've charged me money to recycle it, but the transfer station took it for free.
Originally Posted by wrcsixeight
I put an old monitor on the trash once with a "free" sign on it. A week later it remained untouched.

Someone said take off the' free' sign and put' 20$' on it. I did.

It was gone in A few hours.

Just put it in an Amazon box and leave it on your porch next time. Works all the time here.
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