Horror stories from helping others with their cars

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Oct 4, 2009
We all know the old adage "No good deed goes unpunished"

Being that this is BITOG, where most of us are enthusiastic about auto maintenance, I'm sure many of us have run into others who let their cars go utterly unmaintained - and try to do a good deed by helping them out. What follows next is a failure associated with the car, and the good samaritan helper being blamed. We've heard some stories. Anybody care to share any of their own?
Thankfully that has never happened to me (yet). The worst i've ever done is almost drive my grandfathers F-150 off the ramps.
Offered to change a tire for a woman driving on a rim. No hubcaps, lugs were rusted. A quick turn of the lugnut wrench, a loud screech and the when I got the nuts off, the threads fell into my hand.
This topic comes up from time to time. Might want to search. There are some good stories out there.
Good topic, I'm sure we've all got one.

I helped my Uncle with his BMW 3 series last fall. We did the control arms, which included new ball joints up front.

He's a great guy, BUT, for some reason wouldnt come to my place, where Ive got a full tool box, and impact guns.

We worked with broken socket wrenches, an old peice of pipe for a pry bar, 4 feet of 3/8" extensions put together, I think we even had a frying pan out for something.

We probably put in 12 hours working on that thing. With the right set of jacks/ an extra set of jack stands, and proper tools, It would have been a 4 hour job tops.

We had fun though, Although, he is now off my Christmas list.

Last winter, I noticed a woman and her young daughter in the Shoppers drug mart parking lot with a VERY flat tire. I dont mind helping out, as long as I know the person I'm helping isnt a nut case, and in this case, she wasnt!

I changed the tire, and used her well rusted spare. In the process, I bashed my nuckle badly enough, it probably should have had stiches. I wrapped it up quickly so she wouldnt feel guilty!

Again, last fall, A womans van was overheating at a stop light. She was holding up traffic and didnt even think to put her flashers on. (That should have been my clue) This was at an intersection on a highway about 5 minutes from the house. She said she was only seconds from home, but didnt want to drive it any furthur.

I gave her VERY simple instructions.. Start the car, put it in drive just to get it rolling, then pop it into neutral and shut off the engine.

I got ready to push, she started the car, and for some reason FLOORED the gas. I flew off, landed on my butt, and almost got run over by the back wheel. She didnt even stop to see if I was okay.........idiot.

Thats mine for now, I'm sure I have more!
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early on a sunny saturday morning in July when I was supposed to go to the beach with friends, my dad asked me to tighten the alternator belt on the neighbor's camaro. it was a mid 70's camaro, and the bolt on the adjusting arm on the car was thin and broke. did I mention that the alternator was mounted really low on the car? instead of a 5 minute belt tightening I had to pull the alternator, remove the broken bolt, re-tap the threads in the alternator, find a graded bolt replacement, put it back together. needless to say, I was pretty late getting to the lake that day!
I had a neighbor lady that had a leaking front wheel brake hose. I mentioned it to her and she paid me to replace the hose and bleed the system. All went well and worked great. About a week later she came over and said her power steering quit working and it was my fault because I was the last one to touch the car. That situation almost ended up in court. In the end no money came out of my pocket.
Wow, heck of a story.

I've been lucky, but I do the task partly to help and partly to inform. Well, I don't feel appreciated when there is no follow-up on the part of the owner to and do some of the other things on the car that I mention to them. I mean, heck I just saved you $300, but you won't help yourself a little and go buy something your car needs before it breaks?

I have a young friend with a newer Cobalt. I nagged him a lil about his tires, and he understood because they were perfectly bald. Two week later now he wrecked over the snow storm. He won't admit it was the tires, but I think so.
Did a thermostat on a coworker's girlfriends car on an emergency basis, lost a little coolant, maybe 10%. Topped off with water and said get this back to me before winter so I can get the A/F mix right.

Good thing it's a mild winter.

This idiot, who knows nothing about cars and of course wishes to spend zero dollars on maintenance, bribed his way through a state inspection then blew a steel brake line two weeks later. Yet Providence looks out for fools and drunks; he still made it to work and then a garage with only front brakes. He wanted me to fix the line... did I mention he's slow to pay... and I thought of the snow in the parking lot I'd be on my back in, said... nope... call a tow truck.

PS despite my demands that I get paid in cash he writes checks.
Have you ever helped someone out gratis, and then have them expect that you'll repeat the task gratis?
Worse yet, have you ever done an oil change for someone as a favor, and found yourself expected to be their free all-purpose maintenance tech?
Oilbabe had me working on her unmarried friends' cars. After a while, I mentioned that these favors were causing me to neglect some work I need to do around the house with what little time I had available, and suggested that she help me with some of the tasks. The pimping stopped.

I too have spent too much time 'doing favors' for others. Many times I traded precious beach time (what little we have in Michigan) to crawl under their cars. If I even got paid half of what is charged at the shop, it would take the edge off the work and I'd feel more appreciated.
No, I won't do oil changes on your car. And I really won't do oil changes if you bring the supplies yourself. A single friend of my girlfriend had a ford focus that needed an oil change badly. My girlfriend insisted that I do it, because I service our cars all the time.

So, I call her friend and tell her not to buy anything, I would get some cash from her and buy everything from walmart. She stops at autozone and gets ripped off, and brings me 6 bottles of oil and one oil filter. The car only takes 4 quarts I think, or 4.5.

Anyways, I get the new filter on and the oil in, and start the car. The low oil light comes on, and the oil filter blows off the housing, all over my girlfriends fathers driveway.

She got the wrong filter, even though it felt fine, the filter blew off.

I was pretty mad, so I just put her old filter back on, and sent her on her way.

Never again. If I get asked to help with an oil change, I usually direct someone to the coupon section of my entertainment book.

No, I won't fix your computer either. I am a computer technician, and a friend of my girlfriends calls up and asks me to look at her computer. It is a junk computer with onboard everything. The onboard sound is burned out, and somehow her CRT monitor is dead also. I suspect that she had a power surge. I look, and the computer is plugged in directly to her wall outlet with no surge suppressor.

I remind her that her apartment is very old, and she needs at least a 10 dollar surge suppressor, and maybe even a battery backup system to at least clean up the power fluctuations. Of course this goes in one ear and out the other.

So, I have a whole basement of computer parts. I offered to sell her a 19 inch LCD monitor for 50 dollars, and I would fix the rest of the computer for free.

So I get it buttoned up, and I also throw some more ram in the computer, again for free.

So a year later, two things. She hasn't paid me the $50. Every time she sees me she says "oh I haven't forgot about the 50".. She then brings the computer back because her daughter had infected it so bad with spyware that it will barely boot.

I bring the pc home, and plug it in, sparks start flying. I figure the power supply is dead. I put in a known good one, nope the entire board is fried. I call her to tell her that her pos computer is dead, and to buy a 300 dollar one from walmart. She takes the information in a very negative way asking if I broke it. I'm done helping people I tell her, and bring back my monitor that you haven't paid for, and slam down the phone.

Fast forward a couple weeks later, no $50 and no monitor.

No, I won't help you with your life decisions either. My girlfriends father gets ripped off by everyone under the sun, its sad to see. So, I had switched my energy supplier to a non profit, and I was saving about 300 per year on my gas/electric bill. I showed him my savings, and he signed up.

Sure enough, he was on some kind of a budget plan, and he owed back-pay to the utility, so they sent him a hefty final bill to switch over. He got all ticked off, and had them call and switch his provider back, because he liked the budget monthly billing instead of actual billing is what I do. I explained to him that budget billing will charge you the highest rate for the actual cost of utility, instead of saving you anything.. But oh well!
I only do simple maintenance on my parents cars, but if a friend needs some work done I tell them take it to the dealership cause a water pump that starts to leak 50K miles later would be my fault.
I once stopped on the freeway to change a woman's tire. That led to us living together 14 years. Still not sure if I was punished or not :)
Originally Posted By: fdcg27
Have you ever helped someone out gratis, and then have them expect that you'll repeat the task gratis?
Worse yet, have you ever done an oil change for someone as a favor, and found yourself expected to be their free all-purpose maintenance tech?

Yes..Yes..Yes...My next door Neighbor which whom I now ignore!!

Plus My Family also takes advantage of My mechanical skills & have fixed that fiasco!
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Originally Posted By: skippy
I once stopped on the freeway to change a woman's tire. That led to us living together 14 years. Still not sure if I was punished or not :)

Thats great
My best friend, a girlfriend, my dad or mom: sure I'll help with whatever.

Average friends: *ss, cash, or timmies (relative to time spent working on whatever), that about sums it up.

Worse story? Couple of weeks ago, one of our driver's daughters laptop needed a good clean-up (she's seventeen, so the ribbing stops there folks
). I love the driver's girls (17 and 14), am somewhat protective of them, so I'm fine with that. After spending a whole day (and screwing up all my plans), I bring it back. Her hubby then asks (in that somewhat expecting tone) for me to look at his computer as well. Sure, I offered to look at it, but "later" means "when I want", not "in thirty seconds".
I went to the BMV to get a set of ohio's newest design for our car (wifes car and she likes the design); A lady that just moved to Ohio (don't know why there aren't any jobs here) got her plates as I was changing mine. She'd asked if I could put hers on and I said it would be no problem.

Gotta love those "bad credit" places because they put wrong screws in the rear (hyundai) and it just spun, and the front they just drilled into the bumper with lame self tappers.

After about 45 minutes I finally got both tags on for her and advised her to check on them in a few days.
Unfortunately, I'm on the other side of this equation, but not in aa bad way.

I don't have the tools, place, or knowledge to work on my car. Means I'm at the mercy of shops in the area.

BIL is a shadetree wrench, who never ever hesitates to fix stuff when it needs it on our cars. I really appreciate it, and my wife and I do 'help him out' in the ways WE can.

But I still fell bad when he loses a full day fixing my car when he could have been doing his own stuff. Selfless shadetree mechanics are a treasure you don't know until you 'have one' who loves helping out....
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