Higher Engine Temp with Auto-RX

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Jul 11, 2006
Hi Everyone new to this forum,
I've been lurking for a couple of weeks after I couldn't find my "Snake Oil" of choice anymore (ProLong).
Lots of great info to be found here about snake oil!!

I just started an ARX application yesterday. One thing I noticed right off was that my car runs hotter than normal according to the gauge. I just took to a short trip down to the market and it ran maybe 30-50% hotter but still well within range. Of course I'm estimating and I'm only 20mi into the treatment. I'm a little a worried since I planned this treatment for a 1200mi road trip next week and don't want over heat in the middle of Wy. Is this common? I tried a few searches but didn't find anything on this topic.
btw: The vehicle is a 94 Saturn SW2 130K, I put 8oz in the engine and 4oz in the transmission. I used a new fuel mixing syringe to measure.
Welcome to the forum, '39.

You should check your cooling system for problems. There is no way ARX would make your car run hotter.

Start with the easy stuff -- coolant condition and level, cap pressure test, system pressure test, etc.

When is the last time you changed the coolant?
The coolant inside the res looks new (bright green) and at proper level. It been about a year since I flushed and filled. I haven't needed to add anything. It reached a higher temp than it normally does for the same journey/same ambient temp. I didn't make any other changes to my car.
If I was you, I'd be happy that my engine is running hotter since ARX needs heat to be effective. The hotter your engine, the better ARX will clean. As long as it is not overheating, you'll be just fine. Hope this helps.
Should be alright, I didn't notice any higher temps today but only drove a couple of miles in the afternoon. I'll keep a close eye on it over the weekend. If need be I'll drain it out before my trip.

What does AutoRx (cleans oil passage ways, oil control rings) has to do in a water cooled engine that would bring the water temp up 30~50% higher than normal? (think about it)

I would check your oil level, coolant level, etc. and also check your hoses, thermostat(I don't give a dang about thermostat these days, simply replace it whenever I get my hands on it), etc. for proper working order.
ARX will not change oil temps in your motor. There has to be an underlying condition. I am sure if you continue looking, you will find another solution. It would be pretty expensive to drain out that oil and ARX, then to find out it had nothing to do with the rising temps. Has it been getting hotter there in Utah?
Like I said its my first application of ARX. I added the product and took a drive. I noticed higher than normal temp. "(think about it)" I added something new and I got something new. What would you think? I'm not attacking ARX I'm just asking newbe questions.

Temps are hot here in Utah but nothing different than the day or week before. Today I didn't notice any higher temp but I drove less at the heat of the day. I doubt I'll end up draining and you all have answered my question that its not normal to see a raise in temp. The transmission is also cooled by the radiator. Would ARX thin ATF enough to increase temp there?
The only way I can think of A-Rx making the coolant hotter is if it dissolved some gunk from the oil passages that had been insulating the metal between the oil passages and the coolant passages. If this happened (not even a good guess), it would be a good thing. Without knowing what you oil temperature was running, we just don't know.

It seems that you are talking about coolant, not oil temps.
30 -50% hotter than the standard 195 deg F would be an insane 260- 300 deg F, and would be boiling out of the puke tank.
Exactly. This looks like a 'wind up' as the English would say. As the Australian importer of RX I've done more testing than I care to write about. How could RX in your oil increase water temperature if that's what you are talking about? Much more info required please.
Bizarre coincidences have happened to me more than once while working on my car. Bout a month ago I changed my timing belt. 3 days later??? I hear a LOUD whine coming from the motor; sounds like a bearing in the tensioner pulley for the t-belt. It also sounded like the alternator. Sure enough, either a diode or the bearings in the alternator died.

I'd simply look the cooling system over with a fine tooth comb. 1994 Saturn, have you ever replaced the thermostat? Could be getting lazy to open. Electric fans turning on? Old rad cap not holding? etc. etc. etc.
I wouldn't get on his case about this. He said it was a percentage higher on his uncalibrated temp gauge and not into the danger zone. Not actually 30% hotter. He's got a Saturn they tend to gunk up. If it was related, it could be something like a temporarily plugged oil passage and his cooling system responded. ARX is the safest stuff out there and this problem may have been a disaster with another add but stuff happens. His previous use of Prolong may skew the effects of ARX and cause more clumping as he may have other corosion products in his motor held by sludge. I could see Prolong and a gunky motor to be a really bad combination. Could just be a glitch. Who knows what happened but I don't think he's pulling our leg.
These guys know what they're talkin' about. Don't worry about ARX in this situation. Look for other causes for an increase in engine temp.

It's normal to be a bit nervous when trying something new. With ARX, relax and let it do it's work on the internals of your engine slowly, gently and gradually. Before the end of the clean phase you will notice two things: 1.engine runs/idles smoother and quieter 2.more pep and power.

With 130K miles there are most likely other things that might need repair or maintenance and several things that can cause an increase in engine operating temp.
Thanks everyone for the input and reassurance. I haven't driven much since I added the ARX. Maybe its just a fluke like Adam said. I'll keep an eye on the temp this weekend and check the more likely causes if I'm still having problems.

BTW: The way I came to the 30-50% estimate is using my gauge. It is broken into quarters like a fuel guage. The car's normal temp is between 1/4 - 1/2 (3/8). That first drive with ARX it was between 1/2 - 3/4 (5/8). The car never usually gets over 1/2 way mark. Especially on a short trip.
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