Help loading custom misfire PID's in torque pro?

Jun 8, 2022
Been reading about loading custom PID's in Torque pro. Anyone do this? If your driving a Toyota or Ford it seems there all set up for you, but I have Nissan's so I am on my own.

I found this in a Nissan Forum. Is it as simple as type in for example under custom PID settings the Hex Value a20c and set up a name and min / max - and I can monitor misfire counts for cylinder 1 - for example? I have the list for all cylinders -

MID:$a2 TID:$0c
Misfire counts for last/current driving cycles(calculated) - Misfire Cylinder 1 Data
Max: 65,535Count Min: 0Count
Test result value: 2Count

Backstory - So I changed my plugs, and now I am pretty sure I have a intermittent misfire. No codes or pending codes, but every once in a while I get a pause - feels like a bump in the road or slack in the drivetrain. I would say possible transmission but I have felt it a couple times idling and I just changed plugs - so this seemed maybe better than changing one plug and coil at a time or waiting for it to get worse?

Anyone have experience with this?
Loading custom PIDs in Torque Pro can be a bit involved, but it's definitely possible. Since Nissan vehicles might not have predefined PIDs in Torque Pro, you'll need to manually input the custom PID details to access specific data.

In the case you mentioned, to monitor misfire counts for cylinder 1 on your Nissan using Torque Pro, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Torque Pro and go to the main menu.
  2. Select "Settings" or "Settings and Profile."
  3. Under the "OBD2 Adapter Settings" or similar section, choose "Manage extra PIDs/Sensors."
  4. Tap on the "Add predefined set" or similar option.
  5. Find the custom PID information for misfire counts for cylinder 1 that you mentioned in the Nissan Forum (e.g., MID:$a2 TID:$0c).
  6. For the custom PID settings, type in the Hex Value "a20c" (if it's a 4-byte PID) or as per the specifications you have for your Nissan model.
  7. Set up a name for the custom PID (e.g., Misfire Cylinder 1).
  8. Define the appropriate Min and Max values for the misfire counts (e.g., Min: 0, Max: 65535).
  9. Depending on the Test result value, you might need to set it to "2" to indicate a PASS condition for the misfire count.
  10. Save the custom PID settings.
After completing these steps, you should be able to see and monitor misfire counts for cylinder 1 while using Torque Pro with your Nissan vehicle.

Keep in mind that the specific steps and terminologies might vary slightly depending on the version of Torque Pro you're using, but the general process should be similar to what I've outlined above.

If you encounter any issues or difficulties, you can refer to the Torque Pro documentation or seek assistance from the Nissan Forum or other Torque Pro user communities to get further guidance on setting up custom PIDs for your Nissan vehicle.