Germany is ramping up the coal

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$100 Site Donor 2021
Apr 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada

After recently shutting off three nuclear reactors, producing clean, reliable baseload electricity, and still plan on shutting down the remaining three at the end of the year, despite this ongoing crisis. A total circus.

"In order to reduce gas consumption, less gas is to be used to produce electricity. Instead, coal-fired power plants will have to be used more. The corresponding law on the availability of replacement power plants, which makes this possible, is currently in the parliamentary process and is to be dealt with in the Bundesrat on July 8th and then come into force quickly. At the same time, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection ( BMWK ) is now preparing the necessary ministerial regulation that will activate the gas replacement reserve.

“With the law, we are setting up a gas replacement reserve on demand. And I can already say: We will call off the gas replacement reserve as soon as the law comes into force. That means, to be honest, more coal-fired power plants for a transitional period. That's bitter, but in this situation it's almost necessary to reduce gas consumption. We must and we will do everything we can to store as much gas as possible in summer and autumn. The gas storage tanks must be full in winter. That has top priority, ”said Habeck.

With the Replacement Power Plant Availability Act, the gas replacement reserve will be set up for a limited period until March 31, 2024. To this end, power plants that are already available to the electricity system as a reserve are being upgraded in order to be able to return to the market in the short term. In view of the price structure, this means that gas-fired power plants are being squeezed out of the market. Gas contributed around 15 percent to public electricity generation in 2021, but the share is likely to be lower in the first few months of 2022. Measures to reduce gas consumption can increase the power generation capacity by up to 10 GW in a critical gas supply situation, which substantially reduces gas consumption for power generation.

In order to get the replacement power plants up and running, the operators need technical advance notice. Minister Habeck made it clear that the power plant operators should prepare themselves now so that everything is ready for use as soon as possible."
I don't think an ounce of common sense exist between the lot of them.
Tragically, the Germans had some of the best operating nuke plants on the planet. Wickedly high capacity factors, extremely low levels of outages, everything you'd expect from the Germans. Shutting them down has got the be one of the most illogical and hair-brained things I've ever seen. How Fukushima played-into that was even more bizarre, as none of the German nuclear plants are on a coastal area prone to earthquakes and Tsunamis 🤷‍♂️
Tragically, the Germans had some of the best operating nuke plants on the planet. Wickedly high capacity factors, extremely low levels of outages, everything you'd expect from the Germans. Shutting them down has got the be one of the most illogical and hair-brained things I've ever seen. How Fukushima played-into that was even more bizarre, as none of the German nuclear plants are on a coastal area prone to earthquakes and Tsunamis 🤷‍♂️
You're not allowed to address nuances, that's cheating. Polarized positions only!
We truly live in a pathetic world ran by clowns and tards when we shut down clean and safe modern nuclear plants for coal. Nothing wrong with modern coal plants they burn coal at very high temps and follow emissions guidelines while being more efficient than ever. But still nuclear is truly the future. It's gobsmacking how these supposed environmentalists refuse to support it. The depleted uranium can still be used more in RTG's then recycled once fully used up.
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Here's another clown and joker show, especially when they are talking about removing 4 river dams in WA ("to help the salmon") that produce a lot of clean electrical power. These dams have been in place for decades, and they are somehow an impact to salmon now -?. People in charge are completely delusional and must not have any technical experts advising them of stupid move ramifications.

Here's another clown and joker show, especially when they are talking about removing 4 river dams in WA ("to help the salmon") that produce a lot of clean electrical power. These dams have been in place for decades, and they are somehow an impact to salmon now -?. People in charge are completely delusional and must not have any technical experts advising them of stupid move ramifications.

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LOL good luck with that, stupidity at its finest!! Hopefully people wake up and restore this nation back to the energy independent way it was a few short years ago or we're all screwed. Let the automakers keep the ICE tech going while the grid gets reworked to support all EV's. Nothing wrong with going green, just do it the right way, and clearly we are not doing it the right way.
Unfortunately most folks’ opinion on nuclear power is driven not by scientific knowledge, but by what they’ve heard in the media and out of Hollywood (doom, gloom, fearmongering).

That’s the case here as well as in Europe, evidently.

France seems to be able to embrace the Atom and they are some of the most laid back folks on the planet. If the French can engineer and use the atom reliably, I'd think it would be child's play for the Germans. It's a policy problem, not a technical problem.
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