Flower garden or vegetable garden person?

BlueBonnets in the back corner of the garden

We started a small vegetable garden last year after the neighbor retired from doing his. We had a crop share and split the cost.

We planted tomatoes, green peppers and summer squash. Ironically enough we planted the same thing last Sunday. It feels weird to have plants in the ground at the end of April but the weather looks fine for it.

I love home grown tomatoes and the wife makes amazing spaghetti sauce.

We have the neighbor boy over for fun. He’s 4 and loves to help. He was showing his mom the other night the work he helped with and could identify each of the plants.

Just my $0.02

I’m just getting into veggies but the Mrs Galt does our whole front yard as one big flower garden. Bok Choi in the one and an assortment in the other. I over planted but learning from my mistakes .
These pictures taken about three weeks ago, growing like weeds since. I just raised the netting so the early bird tomato flowers can get pollinated but then back to covered because I’ve got a squirrel digging problem. Blueberries on the other side.

