Favorite Candy Bars?

I can't take the sweetness of candy bars. Am I the only one
I can handle it but I am trying to avoid added sugars, of which candy bars are mostly added sugar.

I have a few 80 - 90% cocoa chocolate bars of various brands and take a chunk whenever I feel like some choco. I bought a few 99% chocolate bars at a Ghirardelli outlet once and those were super bitter, but that's the best chocolate to eat.

Kit-Kat was my go to when younger.
Pay Day, Butterfinger, Reese’s are my preferences. I don’t like chocolate by itself and I don’t like caramel with the exception of Pay Day. Oh yeah and I want the king size of each. Lol.

I also enjoy Mounds and Almond Joy too. Lots of good ones but also lots that I’m not a fan of.
Where ya hiding these days AM? Been missing you and your food posts, for way too long! :mad:
I can't do candy anymore - but if I could it would be anything from Cadbury - caramello, or Dairy Milk. I also like Coffee Crisp. You Canadians have all the best ones - luckily there here now.
Milky way dark.jpg
I always get carlos V and bubulubu when i go to mexico. Carlos v is somewhat attainable here.
I don't eat a lot of candy bars. Maybe 4 or 5 a year. Maybe. I will occasionally buy an almond Snickers. One of my other favorites is Big Hunk, preferably the almond variety. Every few years I will eat a Big Cherry. I do like a Kit Kat occasionally. and every few years I'll get a craving for an Almond Joy, but most of the time I'm disappointed because the almonds aren't fresh. A year or so ago, I tried a Bueno. I kind of like them. I also like an occasional York peppermint patty.