Failing monitor

Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
I have 18 months old LG 34" monitor connected to my work Lenovo Thinkpad. It's been a good setup. Love the size. Laptop closed most of the time. But recently the monitor goes blank for a second, then back on for a few seconds then blank again then back on. And it might not happen for another hour. Or another minute.

I opened the laptop and it's screen is not going blank when the monitor does.

Pulled out the cable for the monitor (HDMI) and pushed it back in.

One year warranty on the monitor. So out of warranty.

Maybe I will try a new HDMI cable.

I got my employer to spring for this monitor but my plan is to go part time in June. They may balk and paying $350 for a new monitor.

Anything easy and cheap to try besides new HDMI cable.

I assume it's not anything in the laptop.
You can try the monitor with a different computer if you have one available, or try another monitor with the same laptop + cable setup.
Definitely try a new HDMI cable and a different laptop/source as described above. You don't want to get the new monitor just to find out it's not the problem after all.
My laptop does something similar once in a while, both with at home monitors and the ones at work, so I think its a laptop/windows thing for me. But once or twice a month. It seems something forgets in the lap top, that the monitor is there, quits sending signal, and then detects the monitor and sends signal again. I think there is some correlation to using google maps but I'm no IT expert.
My laptop does something similar once in a while, both with at home monitors and the ones at work, so I think its a laptop/windows thing for me. But once or twice a month. It seems something forgets in the lap top, that the monitor is there, quits sending signal, and then detects the monitor and sends signal again. I think there is some correlation to using google maps but I'm no IT expert.
I never use Google maps on my work laptop.
seconding trying another HDMI cable. Have had a few fail, its rare but it happens.
The HDMI socket on the side of the laptop is subject to a lot of wear and tear.
Try wiggling the cable where it connects to the laptop. Don't pull it all the way out. If that seems to cause the problem, switch ends of the cable and try again. If the problem has now moved to the monitor end, it's a bad cable, otherwise it's a bad laptop.
I have a new cable ordered. I cannot figure anything conclusive. After I posted it did not happen for a day maybe two days.

The monitor has 2 HDMI and 1 Display Port. I moved the cable to HDMI 2.
If the new cable doesn't fix it, then find where Graphics Properties and/or Graphics Options are on your Lenovo.
One of those settings on Graphics may be out-of-whack.

Or.... in the Control Panel, click on Monitor (your manufacturer will appear) and check for Driver Updates or Details.
could it be something internal to the computer failing? does the laptop get really hot running that big screen?
I just bought and hooked up a new monitor. Mine took a dump this morning. I bought a new HDMI cable, because I wasn't sure if one was included with the monitor. And if so I didn't know if it would be long enough. (I didn't want to use the 10+ year old one).

So for an extra $16.00 I bought a nice shiny new, gold plated 6' GE HDMI cable. Turns out that one was included. So now I have an extra.