Drying...What do YOU use??

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I use "The Absorber". I like it better than a chamois, and it goes through the laundry very easily. It also absorbs more than a chamois, IMO. It doesn't leave "fur" behind like cloth. I also like that they come in different colors. (I know, BFD, right?)
I guess I'm the oddball here...

After sheeting the car on final rinse I use my gas powered leaf blower (180 mph speeds!!!!) to blow dry the car as best I can. It's the only "no touch" way to dry a car IMHO.

Any remaining water is removed with a Griot's microfiber drying towel. Takes about 10 minutes tops. Cheers! DV
High quality, soft Waffle Weave towels. If you get good ones, they are just as safe as cotton.

After washing, flood rinse the vehicle to remove most of the water. Then, mist on a little QD or spray wax, and dry with the WW towel.

If you have removed "all" the dirt in the washing process, and are using the correct towels, you're good.
Originally Posted By: speedyswede
After a wash, what do you use?...Synthetic or natural chamois? Cotton or microfibre towels? Silicone blades? 'Blow dry' on the road? Something else?

I drive the car dry.
Mostly I use cotton towels--recycled from my linen closet (don't tell my wife). But, for grins, I took out my electric leaf blower and was amazed. Really works well on my huge pickup truck. Blows the water out of every nook and granny.
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