Dry January

Nov 9, 2008
Anyone else going to? I know not JeffKeryk (not a jab! he's been honest about his battle) but wondering if anyone who imbibes plans to.

Myself, I'm wondering if a month off will get me over a rut that I've been for the last year (years?). If nothing else the weight loss would be good.


Studies show that people who participate in Dry January and other sobriety challenges frequently experience lasting benefits. Often, they drink less in the long run and make other sustained changes to their drinking habits that lead to striking improvements in their health and well-being.
One small stumbling step can achieve a milestone. The desire to start such a journey speaks volumes about its participants. You’re better than just January. That’s the exciting part.
Not sure that skipping the 0-2 drinks I have in a typical month will make any meaningful difference in my life, but since January is my busiest month at work, I probably will be dry the entire time. :)
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Maybe one beer a week and a bottle of red wine per two weeks here. Extreme moderation isn't my thing but I applaud anyone who makes needed or wanted improvements. As for New Year's resolutions, it seems most people end up kicking them down the road for another 12 months. :p
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We have wine with dinner every night. I've done the dry January with some exercise included. The stopping drinking was the easy part. My sleep didn't improve until near the end of the month so that was the struggle.
I don't drink aside from some occasion but even then my bac never goes over .02. But I could definitely reduce my soda and coffee consumption more. I drink less of both than before but i could drink less since I used to have a quart of coffee every day and 2-3 cans of soda. Cut them by half now.
I'm fortunate that I got all my drinking and partying done by the time I turned 21. I think booze tastes awful anyway.

I learned in highschool that if I was the sober designated driver that I would be taking girls home and that really worked out in my favor.

Now if I'm the designated driver non alcoholic drinks are on the house so I win there too.
The entire month? Nope, but I slowed my roll a few months ago when I finally realized even a glass or two of red wine affects my ability to maintain sleep after 3am and I was REALLY tired of waking up at 3:30am on a Saturday morning when I did have a few the night before.
The entire month? Nope, but I slowed my roll a few months ago when I finally realized even a glass or two of red wine affects my ability to maintain sleep after 3am and I was REALLY tired of waking up at 3:30am on a Saturday morning when I did have a few the night before.
Poor sleep patterns was one of the main drivers for me as well.
Drinking is overrated. There is still a whole life to be enjoyed even if you go to a party and have a ginger ale.

You will feel better, your body will function better and your health will be better. Save money.

Hopefully for many a dry January leads to a dry February to a dry March.......
Drinking is overrated. There is still a whole life to be enjoyed even if you go to a party and have a ginger ale.
Never was into the party scene, not a social drinker. Few drinks in the evening to turn it off--sometimes, to turn it on. Turn off the stress, remove the mental block, then dig into whatever it was I wanted to work on (usually something for work). Great way to extend the day.

Otherwise I wind up reading for an hour or two in the evening, too tired to think. Or worse, mulling over that which can't be changed.
So the people doing a Dry January, how is it going? Any withdrawal symptoms?

I have read a few articles from doctors who specialize in addiction and they kind of list the changes (all good) your body will go through week by week.
So the people doing a Dry January, how is it going? Any withdrawal symptoms?
Did ok for the week. Right now, am waiting this week's idocars video, and have to say, wanting to kick back with the usual. More out of habit. But to do so I'd have to make a trip to the store, and it's really not worth that.

Did stock up on like 5 gallons of seltzer. Not quite the same, but sometimes it's just replacing one habit with another.