Does light or radio waves have mass?

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Staff member
Aug 20, 2003
We were talking about this at work today. It's very interesting water cooler chat, but nobody had a clue.
photons have no "rest mass," but they do have momentum. it's part of the wave-particle duality.

but essentially, e-m waves (light) have no mass, no.


Originally posted by Michael SR:
photons have no "rest mass," but they do have momentum. it's part of the wave-particle duality.

but essentially, e-m waves (light) have no mass, no.


How can something have no "rest mass", but have momentum? Seems like a contradiction?
The theory behind photon mass is that in order to measure the mass you have to stop the photon to measure it. If you stop a photon then the photon will no longer exist. Therefore, it is impossible to actually measure the mass of a photon. However, there are many other ways to compute such numbers which relate directly to energy production and absorption. The Compton effect is based on the total absorption of photon energy and is one mathematical formula used.

Originally posted by Bob Woods:
How can something have no "rest mass", but have momentum? Seems like a contradiction?

Welcome to the Quantum world!

Bob, Get out your bottle of Excederin and cogitate on this for awhile. It's been about 35 years since I went through those equations, so would can't say I have a good feel for them anymore.

Don't Quantum mechanics fix old Volkswagens?

Originally posted by FowVay:
The Compton effect is based on the total absorption of photon energy and is one mathematical formula used.

The Compton effect is that if you are driving your white *ss through Compton after dark and come stop moving, you will cease to exist.

How can something have no "rest mass", but have momentum? Seems like a contradiction?

Recall that momentum p = mv, or mass x velocity. For a photon, the mass being spoken of here in "inertial" mass, not rest mass. Inertial mass is that equivalent mass of an object due to its inertia.

Photons don't have normal rest masses as does a car for example.

Photons can actually impart momentum, radiation pressure, and resulting forces. Out in space, you can make a Space Sail that is propelled by radiation pressure from photons from the Sun.
(well slightly)

Was anyone else stunned when scientists announced that they had successfully diffracted a 60 carbon atom buckyball ?


Welcome to the amazing world of quantum physics and then wonderful wave-particle theory.

I may act like both...but only one behavior at a time

Professor Einstein's word on quantum physics, "spooky"

Although I am weak in organic chemistry the buckbeyball molecule is one crazy thing.

I had enough hard time dealing with cyclohexane's conformations (axial v. equatorial hydrogen) chair vs. boat and everything else *lol*

Steric Strain alone I am surprised they actually put a buckeyball together.

Originally posted by outrun:

Welcome to the amazing world of quantum physics and then wonderful wave-particle theory.

I may act like both...but only one behavior at a time

Professor Einstein's word on quantum physics, "spooky"

I thought he called it "spooky at a distance" with respect to the wave particle duality.

Originally posted by XS650:


Originally posted by FowVay:
The Compton effect is based on the total absorption of photon energy and is one mathematical formula used.

The Compton effect is that if you are driving your white *ss through Compton after dark and come stop moving, you will cease to exist.

Can anyone explain or point me to an article or research paper proving or explaining why object has a mass. In all my years of taking physics I have never heard that anyone could explain why do objects have mass and what mass actually is. Not weight, but mass.

Here is an analogy that might help:

Two electrostatic particles of different signs of charge have a force of attraction between each other because they create a field around themselves (the electric field E). This field is the "intelligence" that tells one particle that another particle is somewhere in space.

Likewise, a mass is the charcteristic of an object such that it sets up a gravitational field which provides a force to attract another mass.

A force in both cases is defined as an interaction that causes one body to accelerate toward another. And acceleration of course, is the rate of change in velocity of an object.

Those Organic I chair,boat,twistboat conformations are a PITA.

Hopefully next semester when I take Quantum Theory i'll be able to answer this photon question.

Originally posted by MolaKule:
Here is an analogy that might help:

Two electrostatic particles of different signs of charge have a force of attraction between each other because they create a field around themselves (the electric field E). This field is the "intelligence" that tells one particle that another particle is somewhere in space.

Likewise, a mass is the charcteristic of an object such that it sets up a gravitational field which provides a force to attract another mass.

A force in both cases is defined as an interaction that causes one body to accelerate toward another. And acceleration of course, is the rate of change in velocity of an object.

MoleKule, as I understand: electric charge is just a presence or absence of extra electrons. What is mass? Is it a presence of some additional matter? If yes, then some latest research into anti-matter (or dark matter) might be onto something. On the other hand if the answer is still yes, we have much more questions than answers. What actually defines this matter and its properties? Electric charge can be transferred, is it also the case with mass-matter-energy case? Black holes, in theory, have no real (as we define it usually) matter whatsoever, yet they have mass and electric charge. What happens at this point? Does matter gets transferred into its original state? Does it become a pure mass without any real physical properties? Or it does have some very specific properties without original representation? This topic is very interesting, yet confusing for the lack of knowledge. If you or someone else can shine some light onto it I would be very grateful.

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