Do we have a “what happened to…” thread for members who we haven’t seen here in a while?

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Jul 22, 2007
I’ve been a member for a while, but don’t post very often. However, there are plenty of names over the years of very active posters who stopped posting. Bill In Utah and StevieC are a couple of those names I’ve wondered about.

StevieC apparently had a slip on some ice in 2022 according to a post of his in July of last year. Seems he quit posting a few days after he talked about it in that thread.

There’s plenty more, I’m sure.
there is life outside of BITOG
I know it's hard to believe, but there is life outside of BITOG.:eek:
I've noticed most forums have 3 types of people. There are ones that post once a year-ish, ones that post regularly then move on or get tired of it, and the ones like me that have no life so we check in almost daily and know when those 'regulars' aren't posting. I also wonder about those regulars who suddenly stop posting. And I hope they are OK, and not dead or injured in some way. But who knows...maybe they did find that life outside of BITOG! :)
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